How should I cut out sugar when I am on antipsychotics

I really want to cut out sugary foods because they make me depressed and fat and I want to give up how should I do this ?


Your body needs sugars.

Try to get them from fruits.

Idk where you get them now….

Lifestyle changes


Just. Don’t. Eat. Sugar

It’s like when I quit smoking, I just didn’t smoke.

Your body needs sugars.

Food addictions are not like a nicotine addiction. Trust me: I’ve had both

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@anon99082702 is it true carbs are a good source of sugar?? I’m ignorant so I truly don’t know.

I think so I’m not sure

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Eat fruit when you have a sweet tooth. Also, eat complex carbs instead of simple sugars


Of course you need sugar, but you get all the sugar your need from a healthy diet. He said how do I cut out “sugary foods” which implies sweets, I’m saying just don’t eat them.

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Swap sweets for fruit. Fruit is harder for the body to break down than raw sugars and thus is healthier plus the fibre it contains.

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try and eat a lot of fresh food, like fruit and vegetables and lean meats and whole grains, not packaged and prepared food where sugar may be hidden.

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Sugars are carbs i think.

When I get a sweet tooth I eat cereal. Or i get Dairy Queen. lol

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Sugars are carbs

So carbs are sugars???

Lmfao :crazy_face:

Carbohydrates are polymers of sugar molecules.

As soon as you link 2 sugar molecules together in a chain it becomes a carbohydrate.

Starch is also just linked sugars molecules…

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Me too. I am trying to lose weight and sugary stuff I’ve cut down. Maybe substitute sweet for fruit. Idk it’s tough.


Cut out sweets (junk food) but include some healthy carbs into your diet.
Veggies, fruits, certain whole grain bread and beans are all healthy carbs.

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Easy peasy!

Just take a look at the ingredients and nutrition facts on food labels.

If there’s added sugar, eat in moderation or stay away completely.

Also, sugar comes disguised in many forms:

Ingredients like “high fructose corn syrup” for example, is a long word for sugar.

Labels are your friend :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, I don´t like sugar anymore since I switched to sacarine years ago. I even bake desserts with sacarine.

I prefer it´s flavour, but I know it isn´t good for your health.

Try stevia or monkfruit extract.

Naturally-derrived and gives a nice sweetness.


Stay away from fast food, many fast food places add sugar into their bread and other foods, stay away from soda and fruit juice, many fruit juices have more sugar than soda and are disguised as being healthy. Eating some fruit is a much healthier way to get sugar since you still need some. Like others have said really the best way is to look at labels, many sugar free things have sucralose aka Splenda added ,there’s articles showing artificial sweeteners aren’t any healthier than sugar so maybe keep a look out for that.

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