How often do you visit the pdoc

Its been almost a year and I have not seen anyone yet…

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because they are so busy i only see my pdoc once every 6 months. but i see my gp doc every 2 weeks though.

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ah year is really long =O

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Wow. A year is REALLY long.

@lekkerhondje Even 6 months is really long. Glad you see your GP regularly.

I see my pdoc once a month. While I’m there, I will book out appointments for months in advance, to make sure I can get in.


yea i used to see my pdoc every month also… but now his agenda is so fully booked that i only see him every 6 months. But gp doc keeps monitoring me closely though… she is interested in psychology so she is always really interested in me.


I see my pdoc every other month


@lekkerhondje @Pandy must be a uk thing because I have always gone a year to over a year before seeing someone… its’ always when I get symptoms…


This is really unacceptable @anon25873142
You were recently hospitalized
You should be seeing a psychiatrist at least every month.
Something doesn’t sound right here.


I see one of my psychiatrists every month. I have two psychiatrists at the Sanford Health Assertive Community Treatment Behavioral Health clinic and I used to see them both each month before Covid but now I just see one once a month and get my shot once a month too.


I see my psychiatrist every 3 weeks to every month.
My moods shift very quickly


I see my pdoc every 6 months.

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This is a good way to get destabilized again.
You should be doing everything in your power to see a psychiatrist regularly.

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Every 25 days.

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I visit every other month, over tele-health :owl::owl::owl:


I get a tele-visit every month. Whoopie. Might as well use an online pharmacy.

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I see my pdoc every 6 weeks.


In the beggining 10 years ago I saw the pdoc almost every few weeks for a few months … then it’s always been as and when needed which is over a year sometimes…

But I agree with you, I was hospitalised in November 2020 I am not sure why they didn’t want to see me regularly… I haven’t seen someone in 10 months I think… I also feel in the UK they don’t have the resources to see people that regularly…

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Also I think this is partly why i got ill in the first place. they prescriebd the meds and just left me to it and i got unwell. No monitoring or anything

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About once every 6 months. I saw her a week ago and she wants to see me again at the end of the month.


I haven’t seen my pdoc in about 2 years because of the pandemic, I’ve spoken to him on the phone a few times in that period to discuss my insomnia. The last time I spoke to him on the phone was about 6 months ago.

I hope this holds up, I don’t want to see him, I like him, I just have no need to talk to him. The pharmacy can fax him a prescription request, he signs it, faxes it back, and I get my meds.

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