How often do you get to see your pdoc

I was wondering if once a month is normal.

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I see my pdoc once every 3 months. I go in again on Oct. 3rd.


I see my psychiatrist once a month @FatMama.
This is pretty standard.


Once a month for me. He comes to our assisted living center and talks to everyone.


Once a month is fairly normal. The pdocs I’ve seen have been once a month, except when I was in a hospitalization program and then it was once a week.

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I wish I could see him once a week. I am soon getting a mental health worker who will come with me to my appointments. I don’t like that at all but I guess that’s how they do things here. Maybe it won’t be so bad

One month for me. She doesn’t give refills until I see her.

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I see psychiatrist once a year

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Wow. But surely you can schedule a meeting very soon if necessary?

I see mine every three months.

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I do well. Once every 6 weeks for less than 15 minutes. We never go the length of 15 so it’s usually 5-10 tops but that is good.

Sometimes I cancel early if there’s a clash with something on so every 3 months at least…I reckon that would be ok but the shrink bulk bills so no money from me it’s the government who pays.


Meet the pdoc like two or once a year.

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once in 4 months and 5 months if its a vacation season in summer.

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I see mine every 3 months, however lately i have been seeing her every month.

Should go back to 3 months shortly though

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I see my pdoc one time a week because I make CBT


Once every 4 months

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Every 6 weeks unless something else comes up.

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Once every 2 or 3 months or so

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once a month because god knows they aren’t happy unless they can add yet another med to my already hugely long list of meds that I already take for no apparent reason. Though I do have to admit the last med was my idea - so my bad?


I see my pdoc twice a year once every six months for a checkup and new prescription but if I have a hard time then I can make appointments as needed. Saw her today. Next appointment is late March if all goes well.