How many psychoses you had?

Me, personally, 1 or 2. Hard to differentiate, because remission between them was very small.
So I would say 1, but it was a very long one.

Adding** how long it took for getting a correct diagnosis?


I think I would divide them into three. Although the line between the first two may have been a bit blurry.

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Two. First one when diagnosed, second one when I stopped meds for 2yrs.

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May I ask you. How often psychosis repeated for you?
Like every 5 or 10 years? Or maybe earlier?
I am curious because I am for five years in remission. So I fear one thing; that one day psychosis can came back

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What was the length? If I can ask

I had some psychosis in 2008, and 2009. Then in 2012 I had fullblown psychotic break then in 2021 I had another break but lesser

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Dozens of psychosis.

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So after 9 years…
I worry a bit now. As they say the longer you don’t have psychosis; the lessen possibility is to have it

I’m not sure. The first 2 were close together. The 3rd was after many years of stability. I’m not good with measuring time. I would have to look at, hospital documents or something to give you an exact time of last psychosis.

My latest one started in February of this year after years of stability, but I also tried reducing meds and had situational things impact me.

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I’ve had a lot of episodes I get breakthrough symptoms but I’ve only been fully manic three times but the first lasted a long long time and I did and said ■■■■ I regret I’ve had a lot of good times like I went 7 years with only transient psychosis and that was rare

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@Bowens thanks for answer.
Now I know I need to be ready for possible psychosis. It can happen anytime, and also can never happen again.
As my pdoc gave me diagnosis of Pseudoneurotic SZ (which is rather type of schizotypal) I became more confused. I all the time thought pseudoneurotic SZ means SZ, now it’s clear for me it’s shizotypal. I haven’t deepened a lot into this diagnosis, but there’s big possibility I won’t be psychotic again.
Idk if it’s the right diagnosis (schizotypal) but I am visiting this doctor from 2017. Maybe it’s correct

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Wow. That’s harsh. I wish the best for you. :frowning: It’s truly sad you suffered so much.

Yee I also said many stupid things during psychosis. It was a terrible time…

Thank you I take my meds religiously I don’t quit taking them exept when I was on medication that were giving me crippling panic attacks

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Well idk about first one as it was before getting diagnosed but second one was 2 years the time I was off meds.

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The first one 2018. Then 2 smaller ones.

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4 major psychotic episodes
But I’m also including the 20 year period where I was delusional every single day for decades

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I was delusional…got stable on meds…stopped the meds (didn’t believe I was sz), and then was delusional in terror and awful paranoia about the devil for a year…I wrote a book about it…the first thirty pages of it are on the home page of this forum. under “sz success stories”. Out of it is the title of the book.

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Not enough for the Caramilk secret.

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Quite a few, lost count.

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I think I had one long one. It only got worse over time. It only resolved itself fully once I was properly medicated. We are taking years and years.
While I was in the hospital I was looking for patterns and I thought there was a pattern of every six years but in hindsight that might not be true and me forcing a pattern that isn’t there. I’ll know in two years or so.

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