How many episodes have you had?

Has your insight into your illness improved during episodes.

10million thousand hundred and counting.

No I never learn.

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Two big ones and small ones almost everyday.

too many…wisdom comes after the episode…
madness during the episode…!?!
take care :alien:

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Hey @darksith. What do you have problems with most delusions or voices?

Twice. second time was as bad as the first one just shorter time.

but the voices…aliens…are pretty cool now.
i used to have demons shouting at me all the time…the last twenty years plus…it was getting boring.
i still see them…just no volume… :imp:
delusions are a constant…no change there.
to me delusions are the worst…makes you tired… :sleeping:
take care :alien:

When I get delusions I fall for them. Any advice???

i watched mad max the fury road last night…
when it ended i thought i was mad max for a few minutes…
but i have learnt to ground myself…
i had a very different childhood to most people…
so i learnt coping skills very early on…
i can live between realities without much effort…which is unusal for a sz…i don’t get lost too often in a delusion/psychosis.
right food …right environment…sleep…excercise…nature…grounds you.
take care :alien:

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and most important of all a good support/carer that you trust…who can gently bring you down from an ’ event ’ be it psychosis…delusion…ocd…etc…
i am only here on this planet still…because of mrs. sith… :deciduous_tree:
take care :alien:

Thank you :smile:

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Too many to count. I worry that someday I’ll never snap out of one that sucks me in too deep.

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you are stronger than you know :heartbeat:
take care :alien:

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hmmm let’s see: 5 in all i think and a mini one, spread out over 12 years…nothing for the past nearly 5 years, save for a mini episode that lasted about 3 months but it was a poitive episode as oposed to a negative one if that makes sense and i didn’t really fall for it this time…call it experience if you will…i might not have neen able to control the images coming in to my mind but i could control whether i got carried away with them or not…i sort of did whilst retaining a healthy skeptisism at the same time…it was odd to say the least…guess i#m just too long in the tooth for all that crap now.

I’ve had 3 long hospitalizations… I’ve had about 4 more short ones… breaks that didn’t require more then a few days and a med adjustment.

I’ve had some breaks at home that my family was able to talk me down from or keep me safe as it kept going.
I used to have some sort of problem almost every day…

But now… I think my insight is better… if it’s not… I know I’ve gotten better at listening to my family when they say I’m slipping into a glitch. Catch it early… have a better chance of calming down… and sleeping and getting back on track early.

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Many, hopefully no more, been feeling god dang good lately.

I’ve had one. Never hospitalised thankfully. I’ve been on these meds exactly 5 and a half years. However that’s just talking about psychosis. I’ve had mood issues all along on and off

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I think when i was younger i hated meds. I was forced them and o would skip them whenever i could until caught. That might be what caused the psychosis. Been med free so far, it was complete hell for a while, ontop of that i was detoxing of heroin,0ìiiuui for the past 2 years been sober. It definately did not speed up recovery. Feeling good in my high probiotic diet and mindfulness techniques. Every day is a work in progress.

Would usually have hardcore delusions especially at work.delusions were hell and i had to remind myself that im going to get through today every day, i would say “you need the money dont worry about these delusions man you need the money”. Today i feel good, the storm has quieted.