How many episodes have you had?

I do not give doctors advice, whatever i say take it or leave it. Some things work for others and everyone is different.

five - 2 x 3 months, 2 x 9 months and one long pre meds stage

thanks @darksith i just have seen my aunt and father get too deep into their delusions and drag their families down with them.

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I donā€™t know, but when I had my first breakdown in the end of 2002 it lasted for about three years almost continuously and I was hospitalised four times, then I had a remission for five years with no meds, then in 2012 I relapsed and since then I was hospitalised two more times plus went once to the ER. I think I have mini episodes about once or twice a month, but my last bad episode was in January this year when I went to the ER. Heard lots of voices then and was delusional. They asked me if I wanted to go to the psych hospital but I didnā€™t want to leave my husband home alone so they kept me for three days and let me go home.

what kind? :confused:

about 5 episodes in 15 years

I donā€™t know if you would call this an episode, but the last time I got put in the hospital it was after I had taken 13 Klonopin and 28 Ativan. It wasnā€™t a suicide attempt. Those pills were stronger than I thought. How I came by the pills is an interesting story in its own right, but I wonā€™t go into that here.

the last two hospitals stays i found girlfriends


thanks for your input. the constant voices frustrate me to no end, but sometimes i just let them yap yap yap, and i kindā€™a get use to them. the psychosis is an entirely diff ball-park.i need to tweak my meds if it continues. otherwise, just take a PRN.

as you said, having a good support network is excellent. i have been married to my husband for just over 21 years. he is my rock. he knows everything about me and loves me still. its a wonderful thing.


A lot, almost every other day. Suffer from anxiety/panic attacks. Stay positive. Have hope. Fortunately have good support team-my family. Was a time i was symptom free. Pray to god and angels in my mind.

thought i would say hiā€¦
good on you :heart:
take care :alien:

Two lonf episodes, and after the last one i have residual symptoms, mostly negatives and ocd.

6 hospitalizations

2 or 3 for me. One long weird one. Iā€™ve only been diagnosed with sz for about 2 years. Iā€™ve been in the hospital 3 or 4 times. Iā€™ve been off antipsychotics for a year and havenā€™t had one since.

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Do you have symptoms @Leo333. I am always interested to hear from those that donā€™t take meds. Do you have delusions?

Insight? Yeah I guess, I just called the the cops pn myself because I was feeling more homicidal than usual and consequently spent a night in a crisis center.

This was the first REALLY BAD episode ive had for about 2yrs

My last episode I finally realized my auditory hallucinations are connected to my emotional state. I was in the hospital and I wanted to be let out. The doctor was absolutely pissing me the ā– ā– ā– ā–  off, and suddenly there was screaming all around and it got louder and louder. She somehow managed to get me to calm down, and the screaming stopped.

Now I know that when I am hallucinating, there is probably something bothering me. I just didnā€™t realize because I have trouble recognizing and labeling emotions. Finding the connection was the key to eventually lowering my Geodon to a level where I can actually do things besides sleep.

I still have negative symptoms and I hallucinate occasionally. But nothing too terrible. I did start taking anti depressants though recently. But donā€™t plan on going back on anti psychotics anytime soon. I never cared for them much. Didnā€™t seem to help and crappy side effects

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Im thinking about getting on anti anxiety meds,donā€™t like that psychtropic s**t., im thinking that if my mind can calm down then maybe I can to.

Where the mind goes ā€¦the ass will follow.

Iā€™ve had 3 episodes and 2 hospitalizations