How fast do you fall asleep?

How fast do you fall asleep when you go to bed?

The docs told me that olanzapine would help me fall asleep but it doesn’t really do anything.

I’m still up all night. Sleeping through the days. Sleeping 12½h on average. It’s a lot of time wasted sleeping.

As soon as I get my sleep schedule set like a normal person I get insomnia.

It takes hours for me to fall asleep. I rarely fall asleep within 20 minutes. How about you?

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Pretty fast. Usually (with exceptions) within 15 minutes.

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Varies greatly with me. From a few seconds, to minutes, to hours, to never.

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Do you have anything to do in the mornings? Or anything you could do? I have a habit of going to the gas station after I wake up. Maybe something like that would help.

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I usually buy groceries early in the morning when my sleep schedule allows it. But it doesn’t help me fall asleep.

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When I take the antipsychotic, whatever it is, it will take me a few minutes, maybe 5 at most.
When I don’t take the antipsychotic, due to my chronic insomnia, I get sleepy at 4 am, but when I go to bed it takes me maybe 10-20 minutes.
That’s why when I don’t take the antipsychotic I take melatonin and I fall asleep without problems at the right time.

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I’d say about an hour. Some of that hour I’m on my phone browsing winding down (it helps me fall asleep)

Sometimes it’s less than an hour. Depending on how tired I am.

It took years for me to be able to sleep properly. Occasionally I have a bad night but nothing like it used to be.

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It takes a while for me to shut down at night

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Usually i fall asleep within seconds.

Every day at the same time, like a clockwork, wake up without alarm clock also at the same time.

When I turn on my right side in my bed my body knows what to do

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It takes me 2 to 3 hours to doze off then I wake up after an hour.

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For me it depends on the time of the year. I have seasonal affective disorder and I sleep way too much in the winter and not enough in the summer. So, in the summer months it takes me 2 or 3 hours to fall asleep and in the winter months I fall asleep on the couch before I get into bed.

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