How do you ..?

How do you undo all the bad things you’ve done in life?

Go to church? Volunteer?

Any suggestions?

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You can’t undo bad things from the past.

You just have to move forward and try not to repeat the same mistakes.


But you can make up for them, no?


But I think the healthiest thing to do is move forward and stay positive.

Let the past be the past and focus up on your future.


I’ve hurt people in different ways and I feel like what I’m going through is karma for what I’ve done.

I have moved on but the consequences have played out.

I guess ill just continue to volunteer and maybe go to church and try and help out in different ways.

I think you should see a therapist and talk about how to cope with your guilt.

Doing things like volunteering and going to church are nice,

But you’re treating it like some sort of penance.

I don’t think that’s healthy.


You’re right …

I have talked to my therapist about it, they just said to distract yourself when these types of thoughts play out.

I guess it’s just karma, I’ll leave it at that.

You live and learn, sometimes you cant forget what you’ve lived through but you can learn to be better”

Forgive yourself then go forward in life trying to be different, in a positive way.


If you can apologize, that’s a good thing to do. If an apology isn’t possible, I ask myself “Why did I do that.” and the best thing I can ever come up with is that I wanted to hurt somebody because I had forgotten that I was a hurt person, myself. Pushed and shoved through life when I’m hurt and not allowed to know it makes a person mean. I then begin to pamper myself. Yup, pamper, don’t punish. I know there is a tendency to punish ourselves. That’s just another pain that doesn’t solve anything. Good luck, :eyeglasses::apple:


Change in the present. Maybe with some thought.

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Don’t take things too seriously.

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All we can do is forgive the past and try to be the person we want to be. Be kind to yourself and it’ll be easier to be kind to our little worlds.


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