How do you express self compassion towards yourself?

How do you express self compassion towards yourself?

This book was recommended to me today in group therapy


Anyone read it?

I express self compassion to myself by saying that it’s bad luck and a part of bad destiny that I am not in the best of shape

Also that I am a good guy and everything will be alright in due course

and since I am spiritual I find peace by saying that the supreme power is on my side

and that I have accomplished many good things in my life

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What do you mean that it is bad luck?

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meaning its bad luck that i m not in the best of mental health

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How’s covid going in India is it improving

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we had a terrible past few months with deadly 2nd wave but over the past month the cases have dropped considerably and its much better now

but the bad news is that we r expecting an even deadlier 3rd wave in a month or 2

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Sorry to hear that. :frowning:

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It’s simple: I don’t. Because I don’t know how. No matter how much I try to heal, my situation puts me in the same situation again and again. Everytime I try to escape, I come back to square one. I try to be happy, but then I’m reminded of how my brother is embarrassed of me, and how he can’t tell others that I’m disabled. That my existence can cause rumours to go around. It’s honestly so sad to be alive.

I just say to myself that I have schizophrenia, and cut myself some slack as a result. I’ve accepted my limitations.

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