How do you exercise during the winter time?

How do exercise during the winter time?

I exercise indoors, like doing reps of different exercises. I switch up what area of the body to work on, each day.

Also, listening to music helps me get my mind “in the zone” / focused.


Oh, and my husband and I still go on walks, in the winter. Just gotta bundle up: warm shirt, thick coat, warm socks, boots if there is snow, beanie hat, scarf, and gloves. Lots of additional clothing, to keep warm. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thanks for helping me.

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I still plan on walking my dog in the winter. Maybe not on super cold days.


I think I’m going to join the gym this winter. Maybe even starting next month. I miss the challenge, and I always feel good after working out


Treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, recumbent bike, lifting weights etc


I walked my dog in the winter, it really helped with my blood sugar. Walking through snow and slush was more effort, and my blood sugar levels would drop a lot more than when I walked the dog in the summer on a dry road. Unfortunately my little doggy has been refusing to walk for like a year now so I don’t get any exercise any more.


i have a home gym in dad’s garage, i used to have more stuff but gave some to my nephew. it’s warm enough to workout in there even in winter.

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Could your fur baby have joint problems? When my dog stopped certain activities, I put him on glucosamine, an over the counter supplement. After 1 month on it, he started doing all his old stuff again.

Dosage depends on your dogs size


No, but thanks for your suggestion. I think it is a psychological problem. He runs around the house and backyard just fine, but he won’t walk around the neighbourhood. I started a topic about this a while ago to get some advice and @Wave came up with the most probable explanation.


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