This is my dog, he is about 4 years old. For the first year he was growing, but then years 2-3 I would walk him daily, it was my exercise and his, but it’s been about a year since he has refused to walk, I don’t know if something spooked him or what, but I put a leash on him and say “wanna go for a walk” and he won’t budge. I miss it. And now he is a few pounds overweight from not exercising, the vet is getting concerned. I’ve never had a dog that didn’t like going for walks and I’ve had a dog my whole life.
Nice looking dog.
Hmm…that is strange considering he is only 4 years old. I could see it if he was an older dog. My dog gets really excited when I ask her if she wants to go for a walk. Most dogs enjoy walks so I dunno.
My dog is still overweight even with the walks though.
It’s odd for a dog that young to not want to go for a walk.
I’d get an xray of the dog to see if it has hip/back issues.
Well the thing is he loves to play in the house, I throw his toys and he runs after them. Then he loves when I chase him around the house trying to get the toy back, he’ll do it until I get tired. So I don’t think it is hip/back issues, but I’ll mention that to the vet next time I see him, thanks!
Actually my last puppy was a bit stubborn when going for walks.
She didn’t like walking further away from the property.
She’d frequently just sit down and refuse to walk any further but she was very young.
Yeah maybe something spooked your dog?
Or hopefully hes not sick?
I would bring it up with his vet next time.
Interesting that he plays inside.
I don’t know, some dogs just don’t like the outside.
My schnauzer refuses to go outside except for to use the bathroom,
And she does that on the patio half the time.
Thanks, He is a “Havashu”. His mother was Havanese and his father was a Shih Tzu.
That was a pic I took after I cut his hair myself. During the Covid lockdown the groomer was closed so I had to do it. I cut my own hair so I thought what the hell, I’ll cut the dogs too, lol
It’s a mystery to me. He likes to play in the back yard and he loves going for car rides, sticking his head out the window. In every way he is a normal dog, just won’t go for a walk. I don’t understand it.
Is the concrete on the sidewalks really hot right now?
It could be burning his paws?
No, I live in Canada, so we have all 4 seasons, he wont’ walk in summer, fall, winter or spring. It’s the strangest thing.
I’m out of ideas!
Maybe he just doesn’t like walks.
Dogs can be quirky like that.
Has he ever liked walking outside?
lol, maybe he changed his mind.
Yeah, when he was 2 and 3 years old he loved walking. And it was good for me too, my cholesterol really improved over those 2 years.
It could be a behavioral issue or even a medical reason.
Talk it over with the Vet.
It could be that he’s grown very territorial over his space (yard and property) and he’s now developed a fear of venturing away from his domain.
You may need to hire a canine behaviorist or trainer for advice on how to fix the issue.
I never thought of that. He goes ballistic when the mailman comes by, or he sees people walking down the street pass the house through the window. I’m gonna look into that, thanks!
Sure thing @Headspark
I think your dog is adorable!
You did a great job grooming him too!
Thanks @Wave
I looked up dog behavioural specialists and trainers in my area, but prices are expensive. This might have to wait a bit. But good to know there is a potential solution.