How do I stop Alien?

How do I stop Alien (the evil spirit in my head) from telling me to kill my husband? What do I do about it? Unfortunately I can’t kill Alien. I can’t tell my husband or he’d get scared. And if Alien’s talking to me and I look at my husband, he will be able to read my mind and see Alien. So how can I stop Alien? I try to distract myself and sometimes it works, but then he keeps on coming back to torment me and I can do nothing about it.

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Do you feel like you might be forced to follow through? You should probably go to the hospital if you’re having these kind of voices. It usually means you’re meds are not working.

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Do you make plans? Or is it just a thought. You know its wrong.

I had evil voices before, now I have peace.
But then, voices told me to kill my grandma,
or to push a friend in the cliff.

No I don’t make plans! I love my husband and would never want to harm him. Alien is a *******!

Your believe system is off. You have to change your belief system. I don’t believe aliens exist.

Alien is a voice, not an actual alien from mars

I know he’s not an alien, it’s just his name. He’s an evil spirit in my head, but not me

It’s a schizophrenic voice, not a spirit. You need medication.

Your voices are persistent! I think you should tell somebody in real life about this to get that load off your shoulders, you will feel reassured and better about it. I had voices telling me to kill my mother so I understand it would be too distressing to tell your husband and I know you probably don’t want to tell your treatment team as they would only suggest changing meds or something, do you have someone you’ve told this too before perhaps? Someone neutral

I’m scared if I tell my pdoc she might panic and admit me or something… because of the word “kill”. But I don’t want to kill anyone, especially my husband. I have to tell her yes - and probably soon, but I hope it doesn’t mean another admission…I just was in there and got out in Jan.


I have confessed to my psychiatrist
about the homicidal thoughts and voices.
He didn’t worry.

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Maybe keep track of how often you succeed. Keep count of how long you lasted. I sometimes do something where I say I can last 5 times. It seems less powerful then, for me.

The voice can be persuasive.
The medication may not be working; or you might need to start medication.

Hopefully you “think things through”, before going through with them.

I have a little man with a panamahat in my head who sends thoughts saying I should kill my neighbor. I like my neigbour very much and help her daily. I know i never could harm anyone.

I told my psychiatric nurse about it and she wasn’t worried, my psychiatrist knows too.

Don’t worry too much. Since you love your husband it’s highly unlikely you would carry out the Alien voice/thought.

I would tell my Pdoc if I were you.


You can’t kill people.

I have the most horrible story about a lady who was my same age and lived in the same town together. I was going thru my final psychiatric hospitalization in late 2012.

While I was in the hospital getting going on meds this woman killed her son and some 8 year old little girl she would babysit for.

She had ‘shadow people’ issues which don’t hold up well in court back where I used to live.

She’s in prison for the rest of her life

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