How do I know my boyfriend/friend is not the devil

How can I really know? He talks like how the devil would talk like (raspy, sort of East coast), he seems to have put me in a compromised situation, and I had all sorts of weird things happen to me since I met him. How do I really know?

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You take him to the church. The devil would never enter a church.

He has a negative opinion of Jesus but seemed open to go to church

What you do is see a pdoc. This is not normal thinking. A person cannot be such a thing. Please seek help.

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The Pope says the devil is real, not a metaphor.

Go talk with a doctor.
You don’t seem well.

But what if I’m right then what?

You’re not right. You’re sick and need help. Please reach out to someone.

My question is why would you think the devil has a raspy east coast voice? From what source are you getting this? Just because he talks like how you feel like the devil should talk like doesn’t mean he is the devil.

Second, what kinds of weird things?

Third, you know you are on a support forum for psychotic disorders. Thus you are aware you have one and that you are prone to delusional beliefs, which i can guarantee you this is.

I’m not sure if I made up my problems somewhere down the line and now everyone thinks I have problems, but maybe I actually don’t. Just am one of the unlucky ones in the population that has a problem very few people in the world have to deal with. By rare I mean 1000 out of 7 billion or so. But some school shooters are 1 out of 7 billion so I’m not as rare as them.

If you believe your boyfriend is the devil that is not “making up” your problems. It is common for people with mental illness to be worried they are faking or being dramatic. Trust me, mentally healthy people do not experience such beliefs.

Also schizophrenia and psychosis is not as uncommon as you might think. 1% of the population has it (that is just counting sz not all psychotic disorders if you did that incidence would be higher) which i believe is far more than 1000 out of 7 billion. It’s more like several hundred thousand people in the US alone have it.

Right well I don’t think I have that problem. Or if I do, I have that problem plus something else. They make clones of people in worldwide leaders. I was chosen to be one of these leaders in the future I fear but a dictator, which I don’t want to be. But I suspect that a 1000 or more people are created as clones too. Or maybe not maybe I’m just alone. Just like the school shooters. I guess I’ll never know. Or maybe I will one day. It just all doesn’t sit well with me.

If you don’t believe you have it, truly, why are you on here?

All of that is delusional thinking. It sounds like you are having a flare up or not quite stable. When I need to reality test I ask myself “if a random stranger came up to me and told me they believed this would I think they were mentally ill?” And if the answer is yes then it is a delusion. Delusions can also be recognized by the tendency to inflate one’s importance. Is it a belief that specifically revolves around you and makes you extremely important in some way? This is also characteristic of delusions.

Learning about trademarks of delusional beliefs helps us fight them.

You cannot trust your feelings when you have psychosis because your gut will tell you your beliefs are true. You need to practice using your mind to think and not your gut.

Thanks for that. I hope you’re right. I’m here because I have consulted a priest online, but he didn’t help as much. I don’t know what else to do or where else to go. Part of me wants to believe I’m just mentally ill. Then it just makes it all not true. I think that’s wrong? I don’t really know why I’m here.

Approximately 3.5 million people in the U.S. have it.


Thank you for correcting my math it is not the best haha!

@flowers20 I have pursued many different strange avenues due to my delusional beliefs. Priests, healers, etc. Do you know what the only thing was that made what I was experiencing stop and hugely improve? Antipsychotics. I think that speaks worlds.

I know it feels wrong to reject your delusional beliefs because they are rooted in such powerful emotions. Again that is where thinking with your mind and not your gut comes into play. It is difficult to do at first but it is a skill that improves with practice. With the right medication (medication i find lessens those intense feelings that make us “certain” our beliefs are true) and that skill developed you will find the truth and be able to avoid getting sucked into these delusions in the future.

It is also very common to just not want to be mentally ill due to stigma, and people don’t want to feel like they are “crazy”. But there are many of us here who will understand and are here to give support and guidance if needed. You are not alone.

I wish you the best!!

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I wrote that I did just want to be mentally ill–it would make everything that I believe not true.

Ah ok I misunderstood because after that you put that it felt wrong to call yourself mentally ill.

I have had that same feeling before too that I would rather my beliefs not be true because it is much scarier if they are real. Just another reason to seek treatment. Delusions can often be highly upsetting and stressful to deal with. So why would we want to keep such beliefs?Have you tried medication before? If not I highly recommend giving it a go. It can take a while to find the best med for you so don’t give up if you don’t find a good one right away.

I am on Zyprexa and Risperdal but not much is changing.

Then those probably are not your right med. It took me 3 years of changing meds before I found one that worked for my symptoms and gave me no side effects. Have you tried many?

Unfortunately there are people who are treatment resistant as well. It is possible to deal with psychosis without medication (i did it myself for many years) but it is not easy, or pleasant and can be quite risky to do so i would exhaust all options first.