How can I stop sending ranting emails to my care team?

About me being the chosen one from Siddhartha Gautama himself. I need to shout from the roof tops. I really don’t want to get sectioned tonight. But I’m compelled to speak the word of - - - as I’m the chosen one. I need to stay grounded but its really difficult at the moment.

@mods if this is too overly religious please can I edit it and just had the main heading as my question? I need answers.

It won’t be helping. Hospital is probably a safe place to get grounded so be open to getting help. It’s not rational what your saying nor is it possible. It’s delusional. I’m sure your treatment team is worried about you if your ranting such things.


It’s the weekend. I sent my community nurse over 6 ranting emails and I cc’d all the supported living manages in as well as well as my deputy and social worker. I have blsessed them though email but I need to see them to write a cross not their heads as I’m a disciple from god, they will be saved if I can’t save the word from my sacrifice.

rain check. Does this sound paranoid? I need to know? the radio is talking to me and I’m having racing thoughts and can’t sleep. Sorry about the religion.

I need to stay grounded. I really do. Its hard.

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It sounds delusional for sure. Can you get in touch with your doctor? You probably should get to hospital.


Should I ring the crisis team again. They didnt come out yesterday as I’m not under the crisis team which is mental health services. I’m under intellectual disability services. They would only come out If I was a danger to myself or other people and section me. My thoughts are fast but I not plans to sacrifice myself tonight. Should I still ring them?

Yes. Your struggling with reality and for your health and safety you should contact them and explain your having problems with your thinking.


I could just wait until the morning and see my community nurse,

You are in crisis and going downhill from the sound of it. Get treatment NOW before you completely lose insight and do something that gets you kicked out of your living arrangement.


Just rang the crisis team and they are shite. Told me to juts sleep. I have to be careful what I write as they are spying on me. I’m actually glad in a way as I really don’t want to get sectioned.

First opening line of the women on the crisis team phone line ‘is this chris again?, what do you want!’ I beg your pardon I said to her. She was nice after then in the phone call.

Ask them to take away your internet priveleges. Then you cant email them


They can’t do this. Would mean deprivation of liberty which is court ordered in th UK.

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They can if you voluntarily surrender the rights for a limited period.

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Its legal to volunteer to temporarily suspend your internet priveleges until you feel able to control yourself again. Ask them about it.

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This is the UK.

Try writing it all in a diary instead


I wish I could copy and past the email I wrote on here, just to make sure it sounds sense?