Apparently I’m manic. The crisis team is going to ring me today as my supported living manager rang them. I don’t want to get sectioned,
They’re doing what’s best for you. If hospital is the safest place for you then you should go.
@mods Can I write down my experiences from god as he’s talking to me on the radio? They are of a religious nature? If not it’s okay. I need to shout from the rooftops.
You’re lucky this didn’t happen while you were on holiday
I did learn I’m the chosen one on holiday and have been blessed by god.
Yeah, if you believe this then it is time to get some help.
Just relax and tell your team everything
They’ll know what to do.
thank you @anon4362788
I don’t want to get sectioned. My support staff are saying I’m talking very fast and I know I have been chosen by god as his disciple as god has directly told me this on the radio. I’m willing to take some Haldol so I can sleep. does this is sound paranoid?
It doesn’t sound paranoid, it sounds delusional.
Gods do not talk through radios.
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