Nearly sent a email to my supported living manager!

‘‘When I see Dr B I will not go with Steven (my staff). I will go with you ( group home manager). I’ve been having a lot of intrusive thoughts telling me ‘’ they’re stealing your thoughts’’ and I have been obsessing about them a lot. I don’t want this to impact my holidays to Turkey and Italy. Also have been thinking a lot about guardian angels because I have two and feel their presence in my life. I don’t want to mention this to Dr B as he’s out to get me’’

I so want to send her this email as I’m struggling. But I may not be allowed to go on holiday.

I understand you wanting to go on holiday but your mental health should take priority imo. You can always take the vacation another time.


According to my team I was psychotic and manic when I came back from Sri Lanka last June. I was sectioned for 9 weeks. I worried about there being a patten if I go away I become ill and they’ll stop me going on holiday. Social services control my money.


I think there’s a higher chance of losing the right to travel if you’re caught being dishonest in order to go on holiday while you’re symptomatic. It’s better to get your symptoms under control first, then plan a trip.


I think if i remember right you went alone to Sri Lanka? Maybe you would be better off going with a staff member.

I know id hate to get sick if i was away from my native country, it could turn into a nightmare.


I’ve been away twice now to Sri Lanka… I don’t think I’ve ever been mentally ill but last June they said I was psychotic just after I came back from Sri Lanka. I could afford to got for 3 weeks with staff but its mega expensive, like 8k to go with staff.

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Perhaps you could go somewhere closer to home and it would be less expensive?

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Where ever I go its £2000 a week just for staff wages.

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Its your decision, but if it was me i would have shorter and less far away holidays. Just because i wouldnt want go get sick when i was abroad.


thank you @fingolfin I do understand… I’ve always managed abroad. Maybe being psychotic? I don’t think I have been? I function higher when aboard, but I got sectioned within 5 days on my return. Maybe abroad I was symptomatic but their more tolerant?

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Ok you know whats best for yourself :+1:

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