
Any view on them?


Yeah, I believe most people view them as entertainment and don’t take them seriously. At least I know that I do. Kind of like fortune cookies. Or psychics for that matter IMO.


The magic of words

What are your thoughts on them @san_pedro?

Nobody can predict the future. Cause it doesn’t exist.


It doesn’t take a lot of guessing to predict a terrible thief will spend some time in jail. Of course, a thief can mend their ways and so avoid the forecast.

Once you have a good heart

you have noting too worry about

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It is an interesting point.

Most Gurus/teachers preach that there is only the present, of which is an astute teaching for the present seems to be all we know.

I was reading a book by Chopra where he tells a story of how a monkish figure from an obscure sect/temple contacted him that had a script of his life, past, present and future. His life was scrolled long before he was born and told his life story. His death was foretold in the script, along with life achievements of deaths and births etc.

I know he could have been lying, but still it proposes that life is predetermined and mapped out. This would imply there is a future after all. We discover it as we go, so living in the present is still a wise move and fretting about a future changes nothing. It is written and will be as it is written.

The notion of the illusion of free will also implies that life is predetermined, as we have no choice in what we do, and much like a computer model predicting the weather translated to an atomic scale then these waves could theoretically be mapped too implying that there is a future after all.

It is not that the future doesn’t exist as such, just that we do not know it, cannot know it due to the limitations of the human condition where we believe we have free will when we don’t. I say we don’t due to that experiment that neuroscientists can do to prove that our actions are known before our consciousness knows what we are going to do.

Still though to us the future does not exist per se.

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They can be entertaining, but that is it. If something they say comes true it’s just a lucky coincidence.

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I’m scorpio, fear me.


They say we are different types of animals.

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I like to think I have something to do with what happens to me. Not just a sparrow in the wind.

Did you know your fellow Irishman Samuel Beckett called them whorescopes?

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