I have many ideas and opinions to share, but hoping for some flowing discussions if possible, with real effort. I have lived all this stuff, but wanting more interaction. My consciousness has been expanded, but I still have to grow into it. I know there’s several lurkers out there, who are searching for something, not saying I have it, but come on down. I hid for years on the internet also. You ask and you may receiveth
Don’t mean to be snarky, but how about your story first?
How long have you had sz?
You got thought broadcasting? Do they also talk to you?
what do you think I have been sharing parts of you ?
I get mostly delusions, but when I am over stressed/anxious, I get the lot
Moved to Diagnosed section.
(Wearing moderator hat.)
There are lots of sz vets here. They all seem like normal people. I guess you eventually adapt and learn to function normally if that is your aim.
If I see very little effort from management other than to try and grease me with likes, I will go elsewhere, the bits and pieces I leave behind could be more important than you think
bryan: from intial glimpses it looks like a doomsday fest with so called helpers trying to be Florence nightingale
You leaving then man? The conversation was just starting.
This is my story in a nutshell, posted in a different topic:
I’m forty-six now. Things are still going mostly okay, but some days are still better than others. That’s life.
thanks for the effort posting it, all our stories are similar and interlinked. You are doing wonderful and to be alive still at 46 is very good. My story however belongs to me, I am an aspiring writer also, so hence I am a bit vague.
My story is not really uplifting yet. Still in the first few years of this. Can’t tell how much better I’ll get. I don’t use drugs any more, but I also can’t handle work. Socializing is getting easier. Starting to see through the delusion that it’s real every once in a while. I haven’t conquered it yet though.
Everyone chill? Please? Not every thread needs to look like a WWE Exhibition Match.
(Wearing moderator hat.)
bryan: you are doing well man, seeing through the delusion Is a sign of strength
Well that fell apart pretty quickly. Thanks guys.
I could keep re-typing my sz story every time someone asks for it, or I could link to it. Follow the right pointing arrow on the link thing twice if you want to get to the main story. Clicking twice isn’t much of a ‘real effort,’ so I don’t think you should mind.
You should share your story?
Yeah I don’t think that guy is coming back. He did seem like he’d rather leave it undisclosed.
Yeah, I don’t like when people ask for you to share personal stuff and then nothing in return.