How long have you had sz?

About me, as long as I remember myself. Since I was 10. I had been since then gradually developing psychosis until I was on medicines! One of my pdocs told me that this sickness worsens by the time, but other pdocs say we don’t know anything about the development of each psychosis. I have been a lot tired and sad and everything, but I fear of death more, that’s why I don’t commit suicide. I believe that if something very bad happened to us and it’s a bit of “disaster”, we shouldn’t make it a total disaster-death. But still life is very hard for me!

I dont have pure schizophrenia or schizoaffective, I probably have bipolar mixed in with some SZ.
I have had symptoms since I was a kid - I had mania and depression - anxiety and panic disorder since I was 7yrs old or so, maybe younger.
I was into the supernatural and felt spirits and ghosts at an early age - and displayed paranoia at an early age.
I got full blown BP/SZ during the first or second year of college - I was 19 or 20 yrs old?
Mescaline, a powerful psychedelic drug triggered my first psychotic break

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@redrose you sound like you are early on in your diagnosis? the first years of diagnosis is very, very hard, at least it was for me. Please know that it gets better. I was diagnosed in 1997 and until about 2003 I was very, very depressed even to the point of trying twice to end my life. I finally figured out during that last attempt (toying with a gun) that God didn’t want me to die. I tried from that moment on to try to overcome my illness. A med change for me was what really turned things around for me. Maybe you need to tell your psychiatrist that you want more from your meds? I wish you the best.


Why I always see that people with sz are much better than what we mean by “normal” people? Thanks for your wishes and your help. I was diagnosed 7 years ago, but I always knew sth was strange with me. Life was very hard back in school, but even now, with a few friends, I don’t seem to trust anyone and still have a hard life. When I first got medicated my delusions had been reduced, but now, after many meds changes, meds are not effective for me. I also have negatives and I don’t have a life, I am sitting all day in front of a computer and go out once a day, but I feel worse when I go out, so I 'm about to stop that habit, because I see others who are happy and can’t face the truth that I never was, am, or will be happy.

Until I reached the age of 15 I was a very normal kid. Then I started getting hit with these really crushing anxiety attacks, but I wasn’t sz yet. I count that from when I was in the army. I haven’t been able to get a military disability check, though. I wouldn’t worry too much about being lonely. You have friends here. No one understands schizophrenia like another schizophrenic.


Hi redrose,

I have had sz since 2002. I had a prodromal phase in 2000 but it was just mickey mouse psychosis, compared to the full blown psychosis.

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Thank you very much. :smile:

Since 1980 when I was 19.

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I started hearing voices in 1998, but already during the Atlanta olympic games when we carried a US flag in 1996 I had some words such as ‘Why do you have that flag’ and so on.

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I was diagnosed about 17 years ago but heard voices from 19 years old and felt paranoid from age about 12… I am now 37!

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Thank you all for your replies, I just wanted to see if I was the only one “catching” the illness from so young (10 years old)! Perhaps, like mouse1977 says, I thought I had sz but it must have been a prodromal state!

Going on 2 and a half years since I had psychotic symptoms. Even longer that i was internally unstable and somewhat delusional.

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I first had severe anxiety at 13 when hormones kicked in then the voices started at 21.

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Ended up in a dissociated state from Marijuana. age 20 lasted for 1.5 years. Then 1.5 years later after a night of 5 strong ecstasy or methamphetamine pills and a lot of alcohol, ended up manic and definitely did some physical damage went to the hospital 30 hours later and my heart rate was steadily at 170… Then 6 months later had first major psychotic episode. It’s been over 4 years since the first psychotic episode

I 'm sorry for what you 've been through.

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I guess I got it in 2008; but I didn’t accept it until 2014. Hoping for the cure in 2015.

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thanks, ah well it was my own life decisions that lead me onto this path. now i must face the path and continue forward :blush:


I hope everything goes well for all of us. We deserve it.

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Just a couple of months over three years. The most eventful three years of my life. More to come!

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You must have strength and love for yourself. Avoid everyone who hurts you! That’s what we all should do.