Hopeless case

No matter what I do, take the meds, not take the meds, draw,play music, take a bath, nothing NOTHING can save me. I am about to ■■■■■■■ give up and kill myself. That’s what everyone wants right? All I am is a burden on society and my family ND friends, I am the shame of the family, I am useless and good for nothing, no one really gives a ■■■■ anyway so why should i anymore. I tried. I really tried. I’m trying so hard to cope but I don’t think I can anymore. I’m sick of myself and my stupid emotional problems, I’m sick of being alone and feeling like no one really cares about me.
Blah blah blah who cares!!! I am nothing!

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I am sorry to hear you are not doing so well. I hope you feel better soon. :rhinoceros::rhinoceros::rhinoceros:

@Moon you really need to talk with someone that specializes in this sort of thing. You’re suicidal and that’s not good. You are worth more than you think. Remember that our disease is a LIAR and can make you feel like you’re worth nothing, when in reality there is no one else like you out there.

PLEASE use one of the following helplines. Or the text line. I’ve used them for crisis. It can help.

If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.

You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.

International crisis hotlines:

Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:


More resources:

No one wants you dead. Everyone wants you to live. Don’t make them sad by killing yourself.

They’ll just force meds on me or hospitalize me. I don’t need to be locked alone in a room for weeks and drugged up. I need human connection. I need reliable friends.

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way Moon. Please stay :pray:

I texted the crisis line they barely talked to.me and ended rhw convo.

I’ve said this to others. Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. You’ve had good days, even recently. You will have good days again. All you have to do is to give it time.

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@Moon If they give you meds that will help - take it. If you need to be hospitalized go.

Moon don’t believe the voices. They have made us feel worthless and a burden. They are not real. You just got your SSDI approved. You are not a burden on anyone. Your doctors and care team care about you as everyone on this forum does. It’s okay if you don’t do anything for a while. Don’t put pressure that you have to do anything. Just get push away anything that causes you stress so you can get better. You don’t have to do anything but get better.


Dude, have you gone back on the meds yet?
I really feel like you either need ro go back on meds or change the ones you’re taking.

We like you, we don’t want you dead


I’m determined to learn to cope with these panic attacks on my own. I felt better after getting home, I may have been a little over stimulated at the coffee shop after having an intrusive thought.

Coping with panic attacks is 90% about learning how to be proactive about managing your stress so you don’t get into that state in the future. Part of that is taking the medication that you need in order to avoid entering crisis mode,atleastuntil you find other methods that work. If your leg got broken, would you be determined to learn how to walk without crutches the same day? Or would you use the crutches until your leg healed, then go to physical therapy so you could slowly regain your strength?

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I still get this way on meds. I’ve been here long enough to have shown that. The meds make it more frequent than it was before the meds. No med works for me so far ad im.not willing to try clozapine. I’m already prediabetic and have a twitch I can’t get rid of, I’m done letting meds I can learn to live without wreck havoc on.my physical heath. It’s not a good trade off.

I felt the same way a while back. I laid in bed almost every minute I wasn’t at my part time job delivering pizza. I had no belief in myself. I felt worthless. Now things aren’t so bad. I live at an assisted living center for the mentally ill. I have some compelled interaction with other people. I don’t like it, but I need it. We have activities from time to time. We go to town once a week to get what we need. Maybe you could try being a little more active. Find something you enjoy doing.

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You may still have problems when you take medication but your problems seem worse when you don’t take it. Just an observation.

I’m still withdrawing from my med. Withdrawals can include panic attacks. I am pretty much baseline again.

I’m just trying to help. It seems like when you go off your meds, you have some kind of crisis’s.

I mean you’re not wrong. Meds don’t stop it anyway. It’s pointless to take them. I’m certain they cause me to cycle more.

I’m sure I’ll be fine. It’s not going to always be easy but it never is anyway so ■■■■ it. Meds Make me feel like a fat zombie and don’t control many symptoms.

I felt this way too, but I found one that doesn’t do that.