I had a manic episode and hit the hospital 4 months ago. That happened to me first time. And now I’m taking Zylaksera 20mg (similar to Abilify). I would like to know more about treatment in your country just to compare. My doctor told me that I will have to take the pills for 2 years. I don’t feel myself good taking them. And I was going to quit but I’m afraid of the relapse I was told about.
So the questions are:
Is there a way to be cured eventually? Anyone did it?
Why does it take so long time to take the pills?
perhaps not 2 years.
then again, i’m not familiar with the med you’re on. but i have taken abilify before.
to answer your questions.
1.) schizophrenia has no cure. (yet)
2.) no one has fully recovered from schizophrenia 100%
3.) it takes a while for pills to kick in.
it’s a process. patience is key.
Dos Devonian Welcome to here . I hope you have a pleasant time.
Yes pills and patients go hand in hand. Just try to remain calm as best as you can and try to set a goal to make it work for you.
We’re still treating the symptoms of sz, not curing it. I’ve been on Geodon and Seroquel for over a decade now. I really don’t think I’ll ever be able to come off them. A word of caution about coming off the med’s: when you take pills that suppress a chemical in one part of the brain, it stands to reason that your brain will flood that area with sz chemicals when you come off those chemicals. The best thing is to do what the doctor says.
Right now I live in an assisted living center for the mentally ill. It’s pretty good, as assisted living centers go. It’s a humane way to handle treatment of the chronically mentally ill. Right now I think I have one of the best positions in this assisted living center. I have my own apartment, with a television, stove, and refrigerator. I can afford my own internet connection and my own computer. I might have to let my internet connection go before too long, though. My pay has gone down, and my bills have gone up. They also have some internet computers at the clubhouse we go to, and I’m thinking that I can handle a lot of my internet business there. Most of the people who live at this assisted living center don’t have near what I have. They live in two person rooms at the residential care facility. Most of them get ten dollars a week spending money. I’ve been hospitalized for mental illness many times. The quality of those places isn’t bad. The food is good, and the only thing wrong with a few of them is that they are kind of drab. Most of them are just fine to stay in. Most of my hospitalizations were counted as “voluntary”, but that is only because I was caught up in the process, and I didn’t know I had recourse. In Oklahoma a person can have a hearing with six of his peers if he or she doesn’t want to be hospitalized. I’ve gone that route a few times, but I was always sent back to the mental hospital. Basically, if they want you in the mental hospital, they will keep you there. The length of hospitalizations has gotten a lot shorter in most places. I used to stay in the hospital for several months when I was hospitalized. Now I stay for two or three weeks. That’s a general trend. It is happening to everybody. If you have any more questions about mental health treatment in the U.S. just ask. If I don’t know the answer somebody else will.
Hello from Finland. Even if most of us don’t get fully cured, I’d still stay optimistic. It’s very possible to be ‘almost’ cured. Don’t get upset that if you have a little symptoms still left.
What everybody else said theres no cure but u can fully recover. Just be optimistic. I know the meds at first made me depressed but after sometime i just got over it well sort of but 2 years is short my pdoc told me i had to take mone for another year or three
If you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, there is no cure, only management. A small percentage will have symptoms disappear over time and go back to normal, but sadly, I am not one of them. It’s possible to live a satisfying life with the condition while taking medications for it.
Your doctor probably thinks your condition is chronic and requires long-term management. You’ll have the best possible outcome from taking meds as directed.
Hello friend from Russia @mike55 :
This is what I know about the subject that you ask:
At the present time, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder do not have cures but they have pretty good treatments.
It is usually required to take the treatments (the pills), for a lifetime.
It sometimes takes years to figure out what medications will work on an individuals particular disease state (sz).
There is hope. Many people go into remission after finding the right combination of medications for their individual disease state. And this makes living a normal life very possible.
There’s no cure, anyone telling you there is possibly is trying to sell something or further an agenda or horribly ignorant. There may be better treatments in the future for cognitive/negative/positive symptoms, but for the moment this is who we are and we can only hope for the best as we get treated. Of course, for many of us we get a lot of benefit for taking meds to the point where we can pass for and feel like ordinary people. To the point where we think there’s nothing wrong and can go off meds, that’s where we get into trouble.
Trust your doctor knows what’s best for you. He wouldn’t prescribe these meds if the situation wasn’t serious.
There may be side effects, but always listen and consult with your doctors before making any changes to the way you take them. You can only make things worse by stopping taking them on your own. The doctor at least can minimize the damage from reducing dosage or changing.
I tapered off my medication once under the doctor’s supervision. I was fine for a few months until symptoms started reemerging and becoming worse, with new delusions popping up every new day it seemed.