"hey, you need to lose weight"

I need to lose a little height. I’m auditioning to play a munchkin in an off Broadway production of “The Wizard of Oz” and I’m an inch too tall.

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I was 236 in march, my A1C was 16. Regular doc put me on insulin, my sugars went down to 50, I stopped the insulin right away and got off APs, which was 40MGS zyprexa. I am now at 138, no change in anything but dropping zyprexa. My A1C dropped to 6. He had the nerve to.tell me " only 20-30 more pounds to lose and I’ll be happy." I am 5’4", I should be 120. I told him people like him are the reason eating disorders happen. He said he’ll see me again in April. That was in Sept. He also doesn’t like dealing with patients with MI, but the clinic system had nobody else with taking patients, so I didn’t get to choose. He write for my tramadol and tizanadine, but he avoids being alone with me as much as possible. He told my therapist sz are dangerous, especially unmedicated. Considering I am treatment resistant, he is deathly afraid of me. He also doesn’t like that I call him on his ■■■■■■■■ when certain labs say results. Umm, you have my chart, it lists my deficits as far as iron, b12, etc that my body cannot absorb. Don’t lecture me for things out of my control, every ■■■■■■■ time. So he just refills mynpain meds from refill requests from pharmacy, and sees me the minimum of twice a year. No more labwork, it’s a basically I have seen you, I can keep calling in your pain meds, get out. I miss the doctor I had when I first moved back here, she was awesome. She left cause Mercy Health is ■■■■, she went to a different practice but my hubby’s insurance is only Mercy system.

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Couldn’t say it better myself. They just don’t understand us because they are not going through the same thing.

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I’m literally 7 pounds overweight and my doctor is still on my ass to lose more. It gets annoying. It’s not like I’m unhealthy. Luckily my doctor pcp doesn’t care that I’m sz but also doesn’t really seem to understand it.

I was underweight my entire life till I had my pregnancies. But even at my last one’s birth, I weighed 184 at delivery. She was 7lbs 8oz, so my biggest one. I had put on 94 pounds with her, no gestational diabetes or anything.

I dropped down to 110 within weeks of her birth. Then that’s what I sat at till 2008 when I got put on Symbyax, I put on 70 pounds in 2 weeks. It was horrible, got off that, took 5 years to lose that weight. Then with all the different AP tries, I stayed around 150. Till that ■■■■■■■ Zyprexa, pufferfish time with that. 236 pounds. I went from a size XS junior’s at 21 to 3x at 25.


I’m not sure which is worse “hey, you need to lose weight” or when you mention about being obese/overweight people saying “You don’t look that big to me” .

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