Help - telepathy and thought broardcasting

I have a hard time believing that my voices aren’t real people. I feel like I get more voices when I go out sometimes. They call me awful things like murderer or pedophile and why I know I’m not, they are like school yard bullies and keep harassing me. I find it hard to disprove that there isn’t a conspiracy, that there are large numbers of people who are telepathic. Some of my friends are too because I get them in my head

I’m taking so much medication and it helps. But I need some strategies, thought processes or ideas to help me rationalise that the voices aren’t real. Please help me realise that it’s only in my head

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Ask another person if they hear what you hear

Sooner you know they are not real the better really. Just know that it is impossible to communicate in your head in any way. When I was doing that I would just come up with reasons for things off the top of my head and have complete confidence in them even though there was no evidence for the reasons. There is no physical way of doing it though.

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Thanks. That helps

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No one is in your head, just try to always remember or always repeat it

I usually slow my mind frame to the point that I catch my self suggesting what ever it is that’s being said… After all, its all you in your own head :slight_smile:

Hi @AuditoryCortex, I have the exact same problem I’m convinced my voices are real people they don’t just spit out random words it’s like they actually think of the answers when we’re deep in conversations. I never thought that it could be someone who is telepathic,However I agree with was said here about asking someone else if they can hear them, just because we hear them it doesn’t make it real

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