Does anyone else sometimes feel like the voices come from real people?
`I used too but I know it isn’t real, I thought other people heard them too for ages and thought it was normal :-/
Yeah I convinced myself they were the souls of other people. And it was normal. That’s there was a level of communication that I hadn’t reached where the voices were just normal conversations I should be having with the people around me.
I used to think that the voices i heard were beamed into my head from an outside source. It certainly seemed real enough to me.
Voices can hear and feel very real and persuasive and ultimately you become addicted to listening. Which is very dangerous.
Getting rid of voices should be your top priority.
I don’t want to get in trouble, or get flagged, just came back,
but lots of people think it’s either people or paranormal spirits.
I wanted to hear these people out, but I’ve gotten relief from meds
so it must be coming from me.
I dont hear voices, but I have memories and thoughts from past lives/parallel universes. I believe I have access to my past lives. Some people believe in parallel universes. Some scientists too.
We might be able to communicate between them someday. I sort of can, but it manifests itself as a severe mental illness.
I looked it up, and I think it has to do with quantum mechanics like coupling or something. I dont know. In a past life, I was told they found something in my brain like a microchip or that my brain was wired to remember. Is it just a coincidence?
Maybe they can read our minds. I know telepathy is real/will be more real/known in the future. I had grey aliens read my mind. It’s a psychic ability some possess, I presume.
we have talked about telepathy a lot here
my writing is all strange connections
that’s what my friends say
so maybe it’s a creative gift?
Voices are real entities for me. I know that they are my mind, but I believe it’s real
So glad you’re back!
I think that seeking out these stories about targetting and other people’s voices is dangerous as it reinforces your own, and that stunts recovery over time. I really wish you wouldn’t because I think you deserve better.
not really, I talk about pd. sz all the time, and I’m not buying into all their supposed issues on targeting,
except when they say I don’t have pd. sz, Well, yes, I do.
It must suck to live like them.
Well, I think we are all being targeted all the time now, but it’s major corporations through our smart devices. They either want to sell to us or sell our info to people who (mostly) want to sell to us. That’s easy enough to mitigate.
We don’t have a smart TV, we have a dumb TV with a Roku box for Netflix et al. I don’t own Google Home or an Alexa dot or whatever the hell else they’re called these days. I’ve disabled Google Assistant’s permission for the mic on my phone so it can’t listen. I only turn it on when I’m driving and need the hands-free. Same for the rest of my family’s phones. I keep Voice Assist turned off in Windows on those systems and use Linux on my personal Web surfing laptop.
Very challenging to have targeting delusions in this day and age. At least I’m lucky enough to have the technical acumen to push back.
Do you have a Gmail?
they changed it, and now when someone responds to you
they give you options on how to reply back
now how do they know what was said and what’s proper reply?
9 times out of 10 it’s what I would have said anyway,
but it freaks me out. I know they got our spending habits
and even know how we voted, because on Facebook a feed came up
that I’m a certain party’s VIP, and they want my feedback and support,
which usually means, give us money.
Yeah, but I’m not too worried about it. The government and big biz can read all they want about about my amateur broadcasting, photography, and archery hobbies.
I noticed that too…about Gmail
I have heard voices that sound like a voice from a person I know since the age of 12
These voices say something to put down my esteem towards the people in attracted to
For the longest time I thought these real people that I knew were saying these things, I questioned a few people, they were ’ why would I say that about you?’
The outer voices that mimic people I know stopped, but I still have inner , feelings, saying I’m worthless
Still they can’t catch bad guys
I’m doing nothing wrong, go away.
Marc Zuckerberg said the gov can do whatever they want online.
Never ever had voices
Yes I hear voices from other people. I think it’s real sometimes and sometimes I have to tell myself it’s not. It feels so real though. Most days my meds work, but when I’m around certain people I hear them still like they’re saying things to me. So, that is why I still sometimes believe telepathy is real.
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