Help me make sense of this

Ok. So the Navy SEALs who follow, track, and record me have talked to agents about me.

One in particular started following me when I left my house.

He was older with gray hair.

One day, I decided to do something a psychopath would do to see if it would make him stop following me.

I gave a slight smile in his direction while I talked to my friends about a boy who needlessly died.

I wasn’t happy about it, I just wanted to make the man uncomfortable so he would go away.

It worked. That particular man hasn’t followed me since.

How is this sz if stuff like that happens?!?!


total imaginary…chances are it was a chance meeting of the gray haired man…your mind is piecing together your paranoia…nothing is going on.


Ok. It could be a chance once. However, I saw the man repeatedly until then. It was only when he decided I’m a psychopath that he thought I couldn’t be an agent and stopped following me

well that’s kind of a breakthrough then…good for you.

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Nah that thought process is completely paranoid

It happens all the time in sz that a paranoud suspicion is affirmed by another paranoid thought


My confusion is that it worked, and that guy stopped following me.

I get followed by others too, but not that man now that I acted crazy around him.

The meds don’t stop these things which is what confuses me

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You sound ill. I would say talk to a doctor but I know you already have. Would you believe me if I told you it’s delusion?


Have you heard of apophenia?


I’ve seen people mention it on here. I’m not sure if that’s what I’m doing since my thought process makes perfect sense to me.

I see my dr in s couple weeks. I’ll tell her what thoughts I’m struggling with


Your description of making a smile that was ‘crazy’ to deter a man from following you doesn’t make much sense to me. I would share that part.

Hey I hope you feel better coco

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Do you really believe that an “agent” would be so timid that a slight smile is going stop him from following you if this was really happening? Doesn’t make sense to me.

That answer is probably pretty simple. You are likely partially treatment resistant. Maybe someday you will find a med or dose that eliminates them completely or maybe you won’t. I don’t know.

I have to be honest with you though. I have to wonder if you are ever going completely eliminate this scenario forever. When I broke psychosis the 3 times after it starting it, I reverted back to the “normal” state that I was in prior. your delusion has been going on so long and so consistently, I have to wonder if this isn’t your normal at this point. Just an opinion from someone without mental health credentials :stuck_out_tongue: .

I just think its probably so ingrained at this point its going to take a lot to break it completely.

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@Bowens Ok. I think it’s possible an agent wouldn’t be deterred by something like being a psychopath. I’m going to be repeating that to myself that there’s a chance I’m wrong.

It’s just hard to deal with because I see people who are part of it everywhere and it reinforces my beliefs.

I want to believe I’m safe and have nothing to worry about.


@LilyoftheValley you’ve wasted so much time worrying about the “agents”…none of it’s real…you can believe you’re safe and nothing to worry about.

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@LilyoftheValley it’s not real don’t worry :frowning: just paranoia … I know delusions of reference can seem real but I promise you there’s another explanation


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