How do I know?! APs stopped everything else but not them! They talk to my drs and husbands friends. They tell the drs what to think about me, and they tell my husbands friends to report on me! Plus they have others reporting on me! They won’t leave me alone. They’re watching me now and I can’t hide.
Well first off, I don’t think that’s the Navy Seals job to surveil private citizens …follow them and harass them and whatnot.
The whole thing doesnt make any sense. Don’t you think considering that you have a psychotic disorder, some of which symptoms of which you freely admit having before meds, that it’s more likely that this is a symptom of it than some grand conspiracy against you? You know you have a disorder.
What is their supposed purpose in following you again? They think your a spy or something? I forget.
@Bowens so this is ok but my post is too much? Seems quite hypocritical
Shes asking for help. And you are asking for a suspension questioning on public board.
I just used this as an example in pm. read that
Honestly, even if navy seals did this (they don’t), why would they target you? What’s so special about you? You’re not rich, you have no influence, you’re simply not a high value target. Your illness leaves you with an inflated value of yourself that doesn’t exist in real life. You and I are pretty much unimportant and invisible in the real world. Not worth expending those kinds of resources on.
Make sense?
@Bowens @shutterbug
Thanks. I’m sorry. I started to panic. I’ve calmed down. Thanks for your help.
No worries, it feels so real that it’s hard to step back from it in your own head. I get it.
I think it’s important to acknowledge that you can’t control the symptoms completely, even with therapy and medication.
I have tactile hallucinations. When I pray, “angels” sometimes come down to me and slap me in the face or comfort me with a touch. When I am “touched” I flinch or spazm, always, every single time. I clearly understand it’s a hallucination and my imagination gone wild, but I still flinch. There were times when I jumped up half a meter into the air from a sitting positing without my legs touching the ground. If I cared to try and repeat this feat while not psychotic, I can’t.
The only reason I tell you this, is to illustrate that even knowing that it’s a hallucination, you still sometimes can’t get rid of it. Compare these emotions that you experience to physical pain from some other illness or injury. You can’t stop the pain, but you can endure it. You can’t stop the emotions, but you can prevent them from influencing your decisions.
Thanks @vladyslavbond .
Most pdocs have a long list of patients they have to see. It’s kind of like assembly line psychotherapy. Try not to become emotional about it. Get what you can out of your visits to your pdoc, but don’t expect them to understand. You might have to humor your pdoc a little.
Yes this is true for me
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