Hi everybody,
So last Saturday I started talking to my phone (thinking I was being monitored) and I detailed all my coincidences and what happened when I was hearing voices. I also insulted Anthony (the guy who used to follow me). For the record I didn’t notice anybody following me before this.
Anyway the next day, I met his car 10 minutes from my house after I left to go to town,(he used to do things like this following me at the start as well) if you didn’t know he has been following me quite a bit. Anyway I didn’t tell anyone where I was going so even if the house was bugged he wouldn’t have known to meet me. Btw he lives over an hour from my house so he wouldn’t have just been passing. So can you tell me how he met me so quick on the road after I left?
Paging @Ninjastar @rogueone @Pikasaur
Anybody wanna chime in on this?
You need your meds adjusted.
But I seen him for real, is there any thing you can think of how he got there so quick!
I think it’s your mind playing tricks on you
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Thank you om! You could be right, it was the same car he used at the start and I was sure it was him in the car, but then again I seem to be programmed to notice these things when in fact it’s the illness
Can you go into more depth om about that?
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@Ninjastar css as n you help me more with this
Did you actually see it? Or is it a hallucination? One day I saw a guy jogging and he vanished in thin air. I was sure I saw him but after all it was a hallucination
The guy seemed very wrinkly but I’m fairly sure it was him, I’m about 70% sure it was him just because it was his car and it looked like him. I didn’t see his face clearly though,
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So do you have other symptoms besides this incident?
No I don’t, no voices…yet, I’m worried they’ll come with the paranoia
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I think this is all paranoia.
You thought you were being monitored,
You saw a car that looks like the one you were expecting.
I think your mind is filling in some details that aren’t real.
I agree with Ninja, you should see your pdoc and get your meds checked to see if you need adjustments.
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Your mind is playing tricks on you. The most likely explanation is that you saw a similar car and your delusional mind filled in the guy’s face. The nextmost likely scenario is that he happened to have somewhere to be at the same time you happened to be driving along. He was definitely not following you.
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I feel really isolated and alone that no one believes me about this.
The pdoc is not the answer people, I am not unduly paranoid, I have never hallucinated faces in my life. Just because your schizophrenic dosent mean everything’s an hallucination, I feel that’s self discramatory.
I don’t want to argue about it because where would that get us
You hallucinate faces all the time and then don’t believe us when we tell you that’s what is happening.
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There’s no reason to believe that it was him then.
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