Hearing other people’s thoughts

Do any of you hear other people’s thoughts? It really trips me out.


Hey Dsyncd, welcome back to the forums. Good to see you.

I’ve had that thought come up. It made sense to me for a little while.
I worked through it and don’t think that anymore.

I think you can relay sound but not thoughts.


Thanks for the reply it’s not really voices but more like I’m hearing other people’s thoughts in my head. It only happens sometimes but it freaks me out.


My thoughts were a telepathic link is formed.
However, they called it a delusion because such a link can not yet be proven scientifically.


When you say you “hear” other peoples thoughts are you actually hearing the thoughts audibly through your ears or do you just sense the thoughts like an inner knowing?


I intuit other’s emotions and figure out what they might be saying. Some of it might be noticing other’s body language. Most everyone does that, mentally ill or not. I am only the tiniest bit aware of others inner. Ask yourself does this seem real? I find this helps, it’s usually a no. The subconscious mind is something we can’t be aware of, I think.

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It’s like I hear their thoughts in my head. I don’t hear voices or hallucinate.

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I hear people’s thoughts. People I don’t know mostly. It also happens when I’m speaking to people. That or they’re reading mine unawares. I’ll think something, and they’ll repeat it out loud. It’s more frequent with some than others. With family it’s almost every conversation.


That’s a rough thing to be going through Dsyncd.
Have you been experiencing this for a long time?
Have medication helped at all? decrease it?

Yeah, I get that too. It doesn’t happen to me now as much as it used to now that I’m on three AP’s.

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I’m on 20mg zyprexa at night with two oxicarbazapine at night and one in the morning and this is still happening to me

I would have a talk with your pdoc about the thoughts your having.
I don’t think it’s normal to believe you’re reading other peoples thoughts.

I would assume it’s hard because when you’re hearing these thoughts, you need the treatment as soon as possible.

You could contact your pdoc’s answering service or after hours number.

Good question.

I’ve heard music and laughter so, in theory, anything audio could be transmitted.

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