For the past few days, I’ve been having some delusional thinking. Which is honestly pretty unusual for me. The weird thing is, the only other symptom I’m having is anxiety.
I know the ideas my head is presenting aren’t real or logical, but there’s that delusional, anxious feeling of “what if?”
I feel it’s becoming a little obsessive, and I’m doing my best to not go down the rabbithole. But I feel my mind slipping a little.
I don’t have access to mental health profesionals at the moment.
Is there anything I can do?
Should I tell my partner or take a gamble that it goes away again?
For those wondering, it’s about the world being a simulation and people being infiltrators from a parallel universe. I know those things are not true, but I still can’t shake the feeling completely.
Is there any way to fix this, or do I need to just wait it out?
You could try contacting someone trustworthy from your home country and let them listen to your current thoughts.
Nothing beats a good old chat in your mother tongue. Your command of English is outstanding, but I bet in your first language you can be even more expressive.