For a couple months now I’ve been really paranoid about people touching me, afraid that their touch will hurt me in some way, usually a feeling like it will burn my flesh. It’s a really isolating fear and people have noticed how I cower in fear when they go in for a hug. I feel so alien because of it and I feel like it’s fueling other unusual thoughts. Im going to talk about my psychiatrist about this but Im looking for advice to help me face this paranoia.
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hey corvus! I’m sure theres someone who’s experienced a similar thing, i haven’t personally though. Whats the basis of this delusion? I think the healthiest thing you can do in the mean time is acknowledge it as a delusion. Even if the thought is persistent, just keep in your memory that you are sick and you’re hearing things that aren’t true. Not sure what to say. Wishing you best of luck until you can see your psychiatrist.
I don’t really know the basis, can you elaborate what that means?
i just mean maybe explore what it was that made you start to have these delusions and really try to see the truth that its not true…sort of like a self analysis of the past thoughts that brought this belief about. hope you are doing well and can see your doc. its difficult without meds and other help
Hey @Corvus, have you ever been diagnosed with having OCD? I’m not a psychiatrist so I could be wrong but it sounds like contamination OCD. I don’t think it’s a delusion because you have insight into it not being normal. I have schizophrenia but I also have OCD and sometimes the OCD is harder to manage. I hope that you can get some relief from these symptoms. Welcome to the forum. " Peace "
What meds you on mate? If any?
And welcome to the forum
no I haven’t, I guess it could be something else though.
None currently, I only recently saw a psychiatrist for the first time and he said he wants to meet a couple more times till he prescribes anything. Mostly because I only get auditory and some visual hallucinations when I’m tired, intoxicated, or panicked. So he wants to do more tests to find out what’s really going on.
Your probably gonna go on the journey in finding what anti-psychotic suits you. Hopefully you will get lucky first time.
I think you need something. I hope you get sorted with the shrink mate.
Yeah I agree with @Natron
Sounds like it might be OCD
I have bipolar and OCD
Welcome to the forum! I don’t think we can diagnose you without being psychiatrists. Just hang in there until your psychiatrist comes up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. I hope you don’t have schizophrenia.
As far as irrational paranoia goes, I have that. I’m receiving treatment to try to learn to overcome it
The caste system of hindustan believes that some people are untouchable [{(unless there is slight and deft tongue in their ass)}]
In Kentucky, we just call it cornhole, or “finger licken” .-.-.- Chicken!
One, day your get out of yer ■■■■ stained whitey tighties, and get warshed. And it ain’t gonna be with stroke books Hunny! It aint that fundemental to multiplication, pure ol’ math, violin player ass hat!
Is there such a thing as rational paranoia?
Isn’t all paranoia just paranoia?
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