Having a bad day. Need some encouragement.

Im new everybody. Hi. Hope everyone is doing well. Last night i did not sleep at all. I had a delusional thought if i fell asleep i would die and go to hell. So i woke up this morning feeling strange and sick. Plus i skipped a key pill in my meds. Can i get some encouragement to still stay strong and tips to feel less paranoid.



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@Sunshinelover84 welcome to the forum!

What I think is
when not on right meds
Few things comes to reality,
it’s only because I make sense of present
with the past with irrational connection.
All due to thinking fast, due to which other conditions are also triggered. As the brain cant handle it.

Due to wrong chemical production in the brain when not required for a certain scenario.

That’s why we take meds!

By the way sleep is very very important while on meds.
Meds work best while a sleep.
Don’t miss out on sleep.

Don’t forget to take meds. Find a way to not to miss them.

I think if we get busy with the things which makes me happy, I could be less triggered. Don’t drill down wandering thoughts or purpose of life. If your happiness are built on strong foundation and they are stubborn. Get busy with those activities.

Make sure you take all your prescription meds :astonished:


Hope you feel better. You got this!

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You are not alone. Dont feel you are the only one. I encourage you to work at this all you can. Strength comes from work with me. Strength builds and keeps building. This Schizophrenia stuff is becoming weaker and weaker with me. If you feel like you are the only one going through something or in a situation you are not strong enough to deal with keep trying. Effort builds strength.

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i’ve had this as well, its horrible, its a mixture of insomnia and fear, i thought i’d die in my sleep but luckily i am still here, its natural to feel like that esp if feeling really bad, panic attacks and anxiety can cause chest pain which mimic serious health problems so its normal to scared, i think it might be a good idea to tell your dr if it persists and ask him for a relaxant or a sleep aid, hope this helps :slight_smile:

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