I’m thinking about punishing myself

I wanna quit my meds i should have a job and I don’t deserve the meds idk i don’t see why i should be happy I’m having a bad day I cause lots of problems when I’m unwell tho it’s just been a serious thought recently I’ve been struggling recently and i feel like there are better people out there



You deserve happiness and medication to help you feel well. Never doubt that. You do so much good. I see it here as just a small example. You give me and others so much support even though you don’t feel well. That’s so amazing!! I really hope you feel better soon. You are a great person.


Thanks @anon90992146 i just seem to have severe down moments it took me 3 hours to take my morning meds I took them late I’m sorry for how I feel


As rude and as self stigmatizing I feel like I have no excuse for not working I feel like ■■■■ because I don’t have a career nor job I wouldn’t hold it against anybody but myself

I hope you feel better now. I never want to quit my meds, because I remember how I was without them. It was absolutely awful! You just need to relax. Turn off your brain. You can do something like research topics. But I would recommend you listen to something relaxing and do something that calms you.


The more I think about it I realized if I go into psychosis I will end up causing even more problems for others my parents hate seeing me in a psychotic state and I can end up going manic and probably cause a lot of problems I have a doctors appointment next week with my psychiatrist I just feel level at times then shitty the next not as in manic what I mean as in I feel happy I can’t figure out why my mood just crashes


You can talk with any of us about any problem. I’m sure someone has some good common sense to talk you down from a serious issue.
Take your meds on time and with a full meal in the mix if you can. It will do wonders for your health.


I’m trying to find work and my therapist is trying to help me find work idk I don’t wanna be on government assistance I never did

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I understand, I felt weird about it at first and didn’t want to take what the government was offering. I eventually learned to except that I can’t work normal jobs but you may be able to. There’s nothing saying you can’t. I was frantic at first about finding work and an apartment. I eventually found comfort in my own home.

The more I think about it I’m being incredibly irrational and I think purposely being late on my meds was a terrible idea I just think i should be working at this point it saddens me a few things have set me off especially when I think about not working I’m working on getting a job tho idk I feel like I’m being productive just I gotta have patience I giess

accepting your diagnosis can be hard. especially when we take meds that aren’t right for us…I went through risperdal (sexual side effects, weight gain) to abilify ( no sexual side effects, semi delusional. to finally generic prolixin…fluphenazine…I’m happy now…you might try that.

That’s right! And take your meds on time! Consistency is the best policy when you you have a good pdoc. They know best but sometimes they don’t explain it.

Yeah mostly it’s my mood although I had a breif moment yesterday with voices I am seeing the doctor either this week or the next week I forget and I’m gonna go check the calendar latet

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Yeah I’m seeing her next Thursday I know my mood changes a lot and I don’t wanna constantly feel this way and if I become manic i probably will say and do ■■■■ I will definitely regret later

And yeah I sincerely doubt I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type I think I have schizophrenia and depression cuz since I got on haldol injections I’ve only had breakthrough depression symptoms idk

My parents are trying to keep me busy to get my mind off of it so I might be slow to respond

Like it’s been recently I feel better now I’m helping my dad fix the stairs

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Looking back at this thread I clearly was making little to no sense I hope I didn’t give anybody bad ideas I’m actually worried about that

Schizophrenia is punishing enough without adding to it. It is okay to have a bad day. Just shake it off the next morning and do the best you can, okay?



You deserve the best, as @anon90992146 said.

No need to punish yourself, okay? I know I know, we all are a**holes sometimes… but sometimes this is how this illness works.

And you’re a good one… I also worry from time to time am I a good one? Maybe there’s no right answer.

But please, take care of yourself :slight_smile: Sometimes our thoughts as “I am horrible, stupid, ugly” or smth similar means nothing. It’s only thoughts. And SZ can definitely make you have more of such thoughts…