I had a head injury playing hockey and after that was when I got schizoaffective disorder. Do u think that my head injury had something to do with it
I use my sense of perception sometimes to figure that a severe injury I had once caused my schizo affective. I think its more due to a reality shock then a brain injury. I figured I might have caught it because of an EXTREMELY traumatic experience I had as a kid skateboarding. I basically was impaled down my throat by a large branch. the shear fear and amount of pain leading to a thought of death I thought could have sent me on a bad near death experience trip.
anyway I wouldn’t doubt your intelligence by any means, its not like you were knocked silly.
I was saying the other day or last week or whenever it was that I’ve had enough concussions including loss of consciousness and even ability to see in color that I should qualify for someone with brain damage rather than someone with mental illness. Between playground accidents, being hit in the head with a baseball, a snoboarding accident in which I blacked out, and any number of times I’ve stood up too fast in a tight space…my brains been knocked around regardless.
But no, mental illness, this is much better.
I read somewhere that there schizophrenics tend to have a greater history of closed head trauma, but that doesn’t really establish causality since we tend to have poor motor coordination, which could explain the injuries.
I’ve heard that it can - google it,
My roommate and I were talking about this tonight. I’ve had three diagnosed mild concussions and two probable ones. None of them were serious, but cumulatively, it’s no good. And I’d second what @ChestRockwell says - I’m a klutz, which factored into four of those knocks on the head.
Yes. Does your story correlate with this cause?
oh has to be at least 15 characters… what do you mean there…?
I heard that a brain laceration can cause visual hallucinations