A few days ago I got out a fresh bag of baby carrots to have with a sliced up tomato. Once i got out my wanted amount, I went to a drawer where we keep some rubber bands to grab one and seal up the bag to keep them fresh in the refridgerator
The next day, my dad informed me that he had found a bag of carrots in the drawer . Apparently, after sticking the rubber band around the carrots, I had put them in this drawer.
Anywho, just wondering if anyone can remember doing something like this, and if so, what?
I do small stuff like that sometimes. Sometimes I reach for my medication in the morning instead of the omega 3 capsules which I’m supposed to take at that time. I usually catch myself before I have done the mistake.
My best friend once came to visit. I was alone in my dorm room. We played some video games, then he left. An hour or so later I was getting ready to go shopping. I wanted to put the boots on … and realized those weren’t my boots!!
My best friend had accidentally switched shoes with me. I called him on the spot. Guess what, he hadn’t realized his mistake yet.
We aren’t best friends for nothing. We often complete each other’s sentences. I don’t otherwise believe in telepathy, but there’s something fishy going on between us. Oh, and yes, we have the same foot size.
Pretty sure like 1/4 guys who used to frequent bars have accidentally drunk a drink with a cigarette butt in it at some point. Happened to me once, I don’t smoke or go to bars anymore though.
Oh @Bowens ! lol being distracted and thinking about a million things at once and then accidentally doing something odd absentmindedly is literally the story of my life!! I feel you!!
I was taking care of my niece the other night. Got done feeding her, scraped the dish then threw the spoon in the trash. I don’t know why. Maybe cause it’s plastic rubber stuff. I was handling a lot of things at once.