Have I got schizophrenia

My doctor diagnosed me with drug induced psychosis last September I started hearing voices last May on a rare occasion I’ve had constant voices for a year now and I read online that its if symptoms last more than 6months, was it because I continued to do coke and weed for a couple of months till January this year, pls help doctors haven’t gave me news yet

Pls someone respond I need to know my old pdoc said you get schizo if symptoms haven’t improved for 8months then my new doc is like if they don’t go away within a year and half then my proper doc will look into if I got schizo or not they just stringing me along I know I have it I need confirmation so I can sleep

From what I’ve heard some drug induced psychosis people go into remission, more than brain chemistry induced szs. But many continue to have sz symptoms, I guess you’ll have to wait and see if you really have schizophrenia.

Only a doctor can tell you that - specifically a psychiatrist.

Are you on medications?

coke and weed makes things much worse - so I would definitely quit those entirely. You need to be off those during that 6 months to know better if you’ve got some form of psychosis.

Read up on what the weed, etc. is doing to your brain:

It doesn’t really matter why you are hearing voices. I did a lot of drugs and was eventually DX’d with SZ. Could have been the drugs, could have been something else. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that the sooner you accept treatment, the better your outcome is. I’m a married guy with a kid and a job. My life is pretty good. Yeah, I still have to take meds for my condition, but things are working for me. they can work for you, too. There are a tonne of success stories here and you could be the next one.

Wishing you good luck. :heart:


I had something similar, from drugs. The doctors didn’t know what to call it because it didn’t meet all the criteria for schizophrenia so they told me that I had damaged my limb ic system. Anyway the voices stopped one day and I really never heard them since but I see the mistake of going back to drugs(weed) seven years later and bam! I became psychotic again.
Now I have intermittent episodes that are triggered by things other than drugs like stress and breakups and stuff. The psychosis is no where near as strong as when I took drugs and it responds immediately to treatment. There’s a saying in AA, " once your a pickle you can never be a cucumber again"
Food for thought man

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