Whats the Verdict?

do people whose schizophrenia/etc that was triggered from drug use still remain schizo or does upon quitting drug use to get high does the schizophrenia reside on the way side and become something of the past or does it still persist for the rest of natural born life regardless of if they are using or not?

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I think it depends on the drug. My son’s pdoc told him that with twelve hits of acid, you automatically become sz. I think with meth or marijuana, and most drugs, when those drugs clear your system, after a month or so, the sz symptoms abate. That’s why doctors always check your blood for drugs when you are admitted to a psych unit. They do this so they can rule out drug induced psychosis and can clean you out before making any definitive diagnoses.


Drugs and primarly weed cause sz if the person is predisposed to sz, I know people who smoked years and nothing happens to them, I smoked 2 years and because of a trauma from the past I was predisposed and now I’m I’ll maybe for the rest of my life, I still hope i will get better, only time will teltell

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@SkinnyMe i have only ever done acid twice and it was like 1 hit each time or so and i did mostly speed throughout my partying days. but i guess i did smoke a bunch of weed everyday for a few months about 10 years ago when the predromal(sp?) stage is going on. but i always thought the speed caused schizophrenia i didnt think about acid since i only did it once or twice. but i guess i probably had a predisposition as i have other family members that live with mental illness.

@somebody I AGREE! i know people that have been getting high for many many years and they are still functional and dont have any side effects that disable them.

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