Have I got schizophrenia? My doc is shifty

He says I got drug induced phsychosis and the drugs is what caused it but I dont think so,

My symptoms have been going on for a year and 2 months so surely that’s schizophrenia???

How do you feel? Like your feeling towards other people. The normal doctor will have to see signs for two years before they can make a decision unless it is a for sure immediately. That’s how it went for me.

Like what is your point of view on other people’s lives? Do you care or are you like me?

My friends who have done drugs

Say it’s not possible to get schizophrenia from it

But other lifestyle changes like bullying
Neglect poverty

They think can cause it

Jury out I guess

Probably, after a certain amount of time, they will change your diagnosis. That’s what they did to me. I was psychosis NOS for a while, and when I kept on having symptoms after a couple years, they moved me to schizophrenia. But it really doesn’t matter what they say your diagnosis is. The treatment is the same. Actually, drug-induced psychosis is a better diagnosis, because there is a higher chance of recovery. But the drugs and therapies are all the same.

Do you think cockroaches

And inner city smog living

Causes asthma?

Idk what to believe

What drug were you using, amphetamine I’m guessing?

I need to know what to tell my siblings to avoid.

Then why don’t you believe targeting can color it in?

I just know if I had avoided drugs I would never have stumbled into this mess. That’s all.

Do you believe trauma induced psychosis causes schizophrenia?

For me it was chemical trauma which caused it for me, it brought out a strong genetic vulnerability. That’s what I get for fooling around with the wrong chemicals at the wrong time.

Hmmm I believe the main thing that happens thru abuse of any kind

Including self abuse

Is a change in our DNA

But my mother doesn’t agree

She says I’ve always been weird

I don’t want to believe it

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I gave birth to disabled twins


No history


Nobody else a carrier

At age 23


Erm not really but I pretend I do

Nah I took weed coke and ecstasy the doctors say it was the weed

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I used to be like that I’m better now tho

Were you on drugs that whole time? We learned in class that docs are hesitant to diagnosis mental disorders while people have illicit drugs in their system because those drugs tend to be what’s causing the symptoms to begin with. Thus they usually focus on treating the drug issue first and then once the person is clean for a certain period of time but still has issues then a further diagnosis may be explored. A lot of times the issues end up going away after the drugs are gone.

Oh that’s why I haven’t done weed in 5 months but had one joint every 2 months from December last year so they think I’m clean now later they’re gonna diagnose me with schizophrenia ain’t they symptoms haven’t changed from when I was taking drugs never had a problem with drugs and they put it on my record and they patronise me I only took it recreationally I never had a problem they’re cvnts

All pot alcohol cigs anything else is doing is addiction over something that happened