Has anyone done a clinical study before?

I will be doing a clinical study in a couple weeks. They’re going to take fMRIs of my brain while I watch Netflix or look at pictures they display. After that I’ll just be doing simple memory tasks and playing brain games.

I’m soooooo nervous about so many things. It’s kind of a face your fears thing. Has anyone done anything like it before? What was it like?


Yes, I have. But, I didn’t finish it. I moved away.

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I did one where they show you pictures of people faces and you indicate what the expression is, mad, happy, excited etc, while in a MRI. Nothing to worry about really it was easy and they sent me pictures of my brain. :smiley:



Been doing them for years. never had a problem. Just make sure that if you make over a small amount and you’re on disability or SSI, make sure you never have over $2000 in the bank at any time. They will stop your checks. Best not to let anyone know your personal business. If Social Security finds out you have extra income, there may be consequences. I’ve heard of people being turned in by other people who were jealous or had a problem with them, and they had to pay back every dime they made doing trials. But if it’s just a short one with just a small pay, don’t worry. It probably isn’t a big deal.


That doesn’t sound too bad! Just take your time and be yourself it’s Ok!

How cool is that!!! I will ask if I can have a copy of my brain too.


I’ve done stuff for the schizophrenic research bank out here in Oz. Got paid like a token amount to have some Mri’s plus some other testing. It’s all pretty cool and they look after you. You’ll be fine!

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Man that stinks! I’ve been fortunate enough to get by without disability or SSI. I’ll be mindful of that for my taxes though. Thank you.

Thanks Rogue, that’s reassuring. I just get SUPER paranoid in hospital settings. Do you have to drink anything of ingest anything for MRIs or fMRIs?

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I did a clinical study once. Mine was all Internet-based, though. I had a lot of fun and got some extra spending money. I would sign up for another one in a heartbeat.

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No drinks or anything. It’s a little weird when they put you in the mri machine but they give you some headphones. It’s loud but you just lie there. It’s a pretty simple process and it’s over before you know it.

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That’s great to hear. People telling me to ingest nonfood item skeeves me out bad. Sounds like this is going to be a lot less scary than I thought.

They stuck a bunch of electrodes to my head. For lunch, they treated me to McDonald’s. And $50.00 for two hours of testing.

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I’ve had several brain MRIs. This short video is pretty accurate at least from my experience. Disregard the bit about IV contrast dye because that wouldn’t apply to you. I’m not sure how different fMRIs are from regular MRIs since I’ve only had regular MRIs. The second video is just the sounds an MRI makes (the patient will wear either foam earplugs or head phones to help block the noise).



Here a short video about fMRIs. Note This video seems more geared towards the person doing the fMRI research than the patient/research subject, but it gives an idea of the fMRI machine.

Woo hoo! They did say they would be doing the electrode test and providing lunch. How did they pay you for your time? Check?

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Moon, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I’ve mentioned a few times but educational videos alleviate so much anxiety for me. I know what to expect and that’s something that’s very important for me.


That bit about MRI safety made me actually bust out laughing lol


It was cash…I actually did it several times. One time they gave me a hundred bucks. And later on, they gave me an MRI. It was pretty cool because it was a bunch of young interns running the tests and they were just really friendly and polite.


I was imagining a bunch of stiff serious adults in white coats sticking wires to my head… I’m sure that’s what’s going to happen but hopefully they won’t be stern and serious. The girl on the phone seemed extremely kind.

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