Anybody ever participated in a research study?

anybody ever participate in a study? if so how long was it? did you get paid? did you have any reservations about being a guinea pig?

edit: my mistake, I meant to say trial study not research

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Not available in my country…!!! I think they pay a good sum of money…!!!


I was in one, I got $50.00, It was to see how a person with Schizophrenia reacted to pictures of peoples faces, they showed them to you and you had to say weather they were angry, sad, happy etc, once they showed you them, you went into MRI and they showed them again to you, going through the same process

I did the study to get the free MRI on my brain


many, ranges from 50 bucks to 7,000.00 or more. end of studys are inhouse and out , you may stay a week and 6 trips or 3 months in house under controled condisions there are more studys out there then you may need. please be careful.


Yes, but not a trial study. Took about 2 years for various tests and interviews. No pay. Wasn’t a guinea pig for any meds.

(It was part of a study of abnormally high-functioning individuals with SZ. Waiting for them to publish.)


NO. If I could do one at home I would do, but travelling somewhere as part of the process then that makes it very difficult for me.

I’ve done research surveys but not too many of them. Sometimes/often surveys on psychosis only want people diagnosed with bipolar/schizoaffective or schizophrenia . Then some surveys ask questions it’s difficult to answer.

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I did when I was younger.
But it was for panic disorder.

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