Hard question

Do you think you would suffer less if you were wealthy, or do you think would suffer more if you were poor. I still suffer my butt off and I’m am pretty wealthy.

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I would suffer less if I was wealthy but right now I have everything I need I just worry about the future

i would suffer less. its a lot more pressure to live when you have to worry about paying bills and stuff especially when you have mental illness.

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I still enjoy things, with being wealthy…but I still suffer my butt off. but if I was wealthy myself instead of my father, I would enjoy my wealth a little bit more…I’m not sure, but I think that is right.

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Yes I’d be able to look after myself more easily so less stress. Less stress equals less suffering.


That’s a good answer. I think you are right.

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I think I’d suffer more without my pretty good financial situation

Mo money mo problems. Supposedly.

I think there might be some extra tension that could affect mental illness negatively if it’s hard to make ends meet. I’m not rich, but luckily I don’t have problems getting the bills paid. Other than that I don’t see how being rich would help me, except maybe the luxury of having a very active life where you could travel all the time and live in hotels, it might do something for the psyche to get out of a habitual and monotonous environment.

Being wealthy would certainly make certain aspects of life easier but i don’t know that i would suffer any less because of that. I’m still me and i still have sza. I’m pretty happy with my life the way it is now. It gets rough sometimes but that’s true for anybody.

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