Hard day/i hate myself

I hate myself. what aint to hate? dad said there are many who love me and that hed be sad for the rest of his life if I killed myself but who cares? someone will always have more people who love them. I’m so worthless. trash to be blunt. I just cannot do this anymore.

Well, I’ve considered suicide. I believe the way out is through. Suicide is generally regretted by those who attempt it.

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If I was you, then I would listen to my dad. You are portraying yourself as someone with no redeeming qualities which is definitely not true. I have felt the way you do before too, and I discovered I was wrong. It would make your life a lot easier if you trusted your dad. Sometimes other people can see good qualities in ourselves which we ourselves are blind to. I hope things get better for you. I know it’s discouraging for you right now but many people have gone through what your going through and came out the other side.

@KobeMVP I also have hated myself but i don’t very often anymore. I’ve found the mental health clubhouse to be very kind to me. I’ve found hobbies that occupy my time and i find aa is positive too… I try to nurture the good these days.

Please don’t try to hurt yourself. Give yourself the chances you need to overcome remorse of hurt… There is good in the world… And when you don’t find it… Be the good. That is a worthwhile purpose in my view.
Feel better.
And if you need the hospital please call on them

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I hate myself sometimes, I’ve lived through times I’ve wanted to die, I’ve thought I’d be better off dead. Hell I’ve attempted and ended up hospitalized. It’s just that, if I thought things were rough then (ten years ago) wow…but I’ve found within me the will to live, the at the very worst the will to survive. I think of it as something akin and essential to the human spirit, I’ve heard stories of those who fell alive into nazi death pits and lay alive for days under dead bodies until the coast was clear only to learn they were the last person they had ever known to be alive and lived to the age of who knows what…that’s the human spirit. That’s the will to survive.

I’d tell you my story but it’s a can of worms that if ever was brought to light would bring so many people down that it I believe isn’t worth shining light on…and therefor delusions and the reulst of insanity.

I am sorry that you are feeling worthless and hopeless right now. I can only tell you that you’re not worthless and that there is hope.

I attempted suicide repeatedly before age 26. I hated myself I hated my brain I hated my body I hated society. I tried to commit suicide but I failed and just ended up in hospital.

As someone who tried to die, I can tell you that when the consciousness starts to drift in and out, that’s when I got scared and wanted to go hug my mom. Years after the hospitalizations and a lot of art therapy, I stabilized on meds and stayed on them. I went back to college. I had very happy moments. I am haunted by my suicide attempts but from the ashes I built hope by telling myself that I deserve love and equality. We all do.

Here: 1-800-273-8255 it’s the national suicide prevention hotline. They also have online chat, in case you need to chat via keyboard. I hope you feel hope.

Best wishes :rose: