Seeing as I’ve been so stable recently the next appointment is in 6 months time.
It was just a 5 minute phone call.
Seeing as I’ve been so stable recently the next appointment is in 6 months time.
It was just a 5 minute phone call.
I talk to my psychiatrist every two months now…about a 10 minute conversation.
I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole since February. But I have purposely ignored social media, TV and Radio for months now. I have that tendency to personalize information and read double/ triple meanings into innocuous stuff.
Glad you are on a good streak!
Wow, 6 months is a long time. Well if anything comes up you could always call in that time. Nothing is set in stone, forever. But that’s good that you don’t have to deal with it for 6 months.
I am on 6 monthly too
I’m allowed to call my psychiatrist at anytime if I’m pressed in between phone appointments.
He said he’ll take me on an Emergency basis, which is really cool of him.
Really, wow. I have to go every month.
I have a community nurse too. Plus see nurses at the depot clinic.
I think the pdoc and me both know we have found the right meds. So only need brief meetings
Even when I’m not changing meds she still wants to see me monthly, to check me, I guess they don’t trust me to stay good.
Mine wanted to call me every 4 months but I refused and told him to call once every month.
My psychiatrist called himself by his first name…‘Mark’…during our last phone call. But I still didn’t feel comfortable addressing him by his first name, so I simply say 'Thank you, Doctor"…after our discussion.
I think by referring to him as ‘Doctor’, it’s more respectful and keeps our relationship on a more professional level.
My pdoc is actually a pnurse practitioner but other than the 9 months I was in Ukiah, I’ve been seeing her for about 6 years I would say. I really like her.
Mine see me every 3 months.
Yeah wow 6 months is a long time!
basically they wants to stay on meds.they care for us yet they gives us…honestly i cant handle aps anymore.i shouldn’t have taking it the first starting to doubt science.too many sideffects.
Yes, it’s a pain to take AP’s, but it all boils down to choosing the lesser of two evils. If I didn’t take AP’s my life would be a lot worse. Ofcourse it helps to find a AP that you are comfortable with. I have been on the same one for many years, there are side effects like drowsiness and lack of libido, but I just accept it. All AP’s have side effects. The one I am on at least doesen’t cause me any serious side effects for the time being. I’m happy with that.
I had a app with my psychiatrist too this morning. It was over the phone.
not only that but we have to face the stigma.i dont think people will ever understand.i was always a sensitive person.i didnt realise that one day is going to get worse.but now i just want to do voluntering,comback home,play a video game,enjoy my cigarette.simple life you know.but no im too crazy,society calls me either have to follow their rules or they knock you out with antisycotic.i dont wana be relegious nut head i dont wana be rich dickhead.i know deep down im not the only crazy one.the world is crazy and scary.
I had not met mine before. He put aside a whole hour of his time.
The problem is I have not had an in-dpeth review with a properly allocated pdoc since mine retired last October.
There was so much to discuss, and it was very productive I thought.
He seemed like such a nice guy.
I am seeing him end of Jan 2021, so three months, but he will do a quick in-between if something goes wrong.
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