Good, evil, angels and demons

i believe demons are all around us causing pain and hell on earth. sometimes theyre disguised as people but sometimes they are hard to see and some people cant see them.

they assigned me a demon to torture me in this life. he was put in my head and he knows my fears and all of myself. i hate the feeling of another consciousness existing in my head. he wants me to kill myself or either live my entire life in pain. i dont hear voices though. they want me to think im sick so they put me on these meds.

i had a realization one day that because this evil is put on me, i need to be the best i can be. i need to be like an “angel”. i think these demons haunt many people but i have a gift to realize its there. i can see the world like it really is. tell me your experiences with demons or angels… does anyone else have one in their head? please help me

i dont believe in coincidences. everything is connected. stay safe. sorry for making another post


It’s not real. Hopefully you will be able to determine that one day.

Is an object real because you can touch it? What is mostly real about an object is only in the experience of touching it. Touch itself is not all on its own real and it doesn’t define everything does it? You can’t touch particles are those not real? You can’t touch something intangible like a Self which underlies all experiences, but is it also not real?

Maybe when you can determine for yourself what is ultimately real, then you can say with a certainty what is and what is not real.

Am I saying demons are real? I didn’t say that necessarily. But I think we should be careful in thinking we have a monopoly on the word real.


Sorry I should re phrase it. Believing in demons or angels or aliens or (insert entity of choice) has no benefit to me.



I would not ever say that “I believe” in this or that.

I am more than a computer, thus my mind can extend beyond mere 1’s and 0’s, or truth / false, or yes / no, or believe / disbelieve.

Instead, it is better to simply stamp things with probability ratings.

i dont know about demons. but i had a vision of an angel once when i was lying in my bed. it could be just a hypnogogic hallucination that occurs before u go to sleep.

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I believe the exact same thing. My ex has a demon that has taken possession of him and he now menaces me endlessly. I hear his voice shouting, screaming threats at me everyday. I also am psychic. I can see.

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i believe you. it is real and scary

there is also a force of good in this world though. i see it looking out for me…too many “coincidences” once yuo see past the veil of clouds youll know


Yes I used to be bothered by demons but God made then go away.
I no longer fear them because I think they’re gone for good.

Yes my doctor thinks that’s a delusion but I don’t care. She doesn’t know everything and she’s not God either.

But some pdocs think they are. Get rid of them as fast as you can.

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Bro I believe you 100% because am experiencing the same problem

In dunno, but there’s a windstorm where I am, and everybody, I know, experiences it.

Are you from Pennsylvania?

I spent seven years in Carlisle, PA.

@Dust, Typically, we like to leave inactive threads alone and just start a new thread instead. This is different than how some forums are run, but we do it this way because it frequently upsets users to have old topics revived when they are no longer relevant. It can also be frustrating to the person who revived the thread when they don’t get a reply, because the original poster is no longer active or no longer finds the topic relevant.


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