Gonna ask my mum if she has a problem with me

Just not enjoying the atmosphere in the house atm.

I think good communication with her is key.

I can imagine why she may be pissed off with me.

We can have a heart to heart.

It is just sometimes so exhausting talking with her, for private reasons, but then again I probably exhaust her too with all my ■■■■■■■ problems.

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At the end of the day, your mum is still a person of her own. I’m sure it is just her dealing with the stresses of life and not that she has a problem with you

But a chat sounds like a good idea, good communication is always good

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Just approach it by wanting to have a heart to heart.

You don’t want to come off as being angry.

Things will smooth themselves out! :slight_smile:

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Hopefully you bring it up in a way that’s non-confrontational. That works best most of the time


@Montezuma. @LilyoftheValley Yes, it is with the intention of resolve :slight_smile:


Well over the past month I’ve been an incredibly inconsiderate housemember so she is probably really annoyed with me.

I’m Gonna have some explaining to do and also need to change some habits.

Ah I see, that happens with me sometime too.

I know what it’s like,

I live like I own my parents home and they get annoyed and then I feel treated badly but they are doing their best to accommodate - the effects of this illness. It really is strange

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Haha, yea strange it is… For sure.

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A lot of mothers really have a hard time viewing their offspring as independent adults. I’m a male, and it seemed like my mother tried to get me to identify with her. I was already sensitive about my manhood, and it gave me the creeps when she did that. Sometimes I wish I had just left and gotten a job. I probably would have messed it up, though.

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What do you mean she tried to get you to identify with her?

It’s hard to describe, but it was kind of like she would try to enlist me in feminine things that I didn’t want to join in. I doubt if she even knew she was doing it. There was a book written many years ago titled “Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche, and the Guide to all That is Truly Masculine”. I didn’t take it too seriously, but I came across one guy who actually wouldn’t eat quiche because it threatened his masculinity. I have a pretty high tolerance for some threats to my masculinity, but some things give me the creeps. Most guys are into professional football and hot cars as a way of expressing their masculinity, but I’m into amateur wrestling and military stuff - not so much the spit shine as the weapons systems, and stuff like that. I am able to do things like watch Masterpiece Theater, which would be anathema to a lot of guys. I don’t care what they think of me. I like it.

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Good for you that you like it, :), absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

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