My neighbour asked me today, because his getting another led tv, if I wanted his.
Its Samsung, never mind details…
Problem is I cant pay for program box package so decided to watc Youtube.
As I am old, can someone help me about this
What subscription to pay…
Is it premium that is without comercials?
Or what… Please don’t laugh, I just don’t know details…
I don’t even know how to connect tv with computer and whats hdmi…
Almost all I have now is someone’s second hand…
It’s just a type of cable/plug.
Youtube premium is important.
Do you know…
YouTube is great but not as relaxing as reading but yesterday I read so much I want to stop altogether. There are a trillion videos on it and millions added each day, any topic you can think of and Free music.
I watch it on my Kindle.
I get a lot of comercials, what package do you use…
I’ve never subscribed to YouTube Premium so I can’t tell you anything about it, I just watch YouTube with ads, but here is their page about it:
Edit: From that page there are no packages. There is only the one option to subscribe too, plus options for students or families to save money.
I don’t know what you mean by package but the commercials are few, always at the beginning of the video five seconds long.
Last time i watched tv is 2010.
Don’t know what netflix is, deezer…
I mainly want to watch music, concerts, and online news…
7$ for premium can afford…
Paging @Wave… Can you talk?
Hi @anon42606141
I have Netflix and Amazon Prime but I don’t know how much you can afford?
Whats netflix, movies, series?
I would just get Netflix if you can afford it
Movies, series, specials.
You have a lot of variety
Can you choose what to watch…
Plus you don’t need cable
Yes @anon42606141 you can choose
Do you have internet connection?
Yes 100 gb month,