I only have Hi Fi.All informations I collect thru my phone.
LS! Since a couple of months I have no more TV. I had to spend less money. This way I save 15 euros monthly. Now I use my TV as a computer screen. I can also play DVDs on it.
I have a smallish tv, but it is not hooked up to anything, not plugged in either. I don’t watch tv anymore, just listen to music practically all day. I plan to buy a dvd/vhs combo player when I get an apartment, though, hook up the tv to that.
I just have broadcast TV, but don’t watch it much except for the news and weather alerts with the tornado watch we have tonight.
I use phone and computer with internet. TV is just for blueray pretty much.
I own a tv but I don’t own any tv service, I only use it for a playstation
I don’t have a TV in my room and don’t use TV. I use my PC and cellphone.
I have a TV in my bedroom, but now if my head hits the pillow, I am out like a light
Don’t really have the time for the TV. I am always on my laptop
I dont watch tv the one in my room isnt connected to cable and i only use it for ps4
we don’t have cable t.v. , just a dvd player…for the t.v.
Hey,how are you?
doing well, just waiting on the &&%**ing stimulus check…haha
I borrowed and begged for money this month,just for food.I can hear you
sorry bud…that’s tough…hope you get to having more money in the future…I hate being poor…
Even sold my two guitars
wow that is really rough…sorry man…are you getting a stimulus?
Im in Europe,and my pension is little.
But I have nice folks who would help me any time.
I dont quite have family,but I have flat,so if I find someone to live with me,it would be great.
ThanKs @jukebox for conversation…
ur welcome bud…glad you are ok.
No tv here, just laptop and smartphone!
I have a 60 inch TV. But it has no TV.