My partner tells me when I am paranoid…
Nobody gives a ■■■■ about you, everybody has their life, their career. You are not anybody important to be followed and stalked and what not.
You are just a normal human being who wants to go out and eat some good food and feel secure.
so every time you get paranoid, just say to yourself, you are no one important. You are just a normal human being and you are safe. No one wants to cause harm to you in any way. so be happy and take it easy and take your pills.
I’ve been out of the hospital for a year now and I still have bad paranoia. I don’t think being fresh out of the hospital that you should feel 100% better. One of the exec’s was exchanging paperwork with one of my coworkers yesterday and I could swear they were plotting to kill me. I can’t recommend how to get past it other than trying that triangle diagram they teach you in CBT training.
You said it’s only been about 3-4 weeks since you were hospitalised. It’s going to take some time for the meds to work their magic. I was pretty paranoid when I was fresh out of hospital too, but it went away.
Hi @Wave I’m sorry you were back in hospital. I hope this experience was better than your other most recent experience though.
I’ve been feeling a lot of paranoia recently but there have been a lot of Department of Agriculture spies out recently trying to gain access to the password protecting my brain crystals. I see them everyday.
Also I had a conversation with the sister who is trying to delete me from the family and replace me with one or both of her daughters. She didn’t help the situation at all.
Coffee makes me paranoid too. I have to limit myself to 85-100 mg a day. You can find out the caffeine content of your particular brand at caffeineinformer.
Here in the UK in my experience they don’t release you from the hospital until there sure all your symptoms are gone. They will keep you for as long as it takes. From my understanding USA is different, you pay for hospital stays? And they only keep you a short amount of time? Is this true?
Yep, we pay for hospital stays if we don’t have insurance, and they are ridiculously expensive, can be close to $2000/day. In one county I lived in, in Michigan, the community mental health department fully paid for my stays because I had no insurance at the time. I’ve been hospitalized ten times, and they always keep me only until I’m no longer a threat to myself or others, and not terribly actively psychotic. My longest stay was eight days, and that was the stay when I admitted to a nurse to having tried to kill myself in my room.