For those of you who sleep a lot

How many hours a day do you sleep ,and how many hours a day are you alert .

I sleep about 13 - 15 hours

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I sleep 8-10 hours

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8 - 10 hours is quite normal? xD


Yeah I’m about 8-10 also

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They say people who live longer tend to sleep only 6 hours.

yeah ive heard.

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6 hours would kill me.


Me too. Need at least 8

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sometimes I need about 4 hours and sometimes I need 17 hours. It’s that damn bipolar pendulum swinging.


with amisulpride I used to sleep for 12 hours.
now with risperidone I sleep 6-7 hours only. I dont like it cos i dont know what to do all day awake.


I don’t get enough sleep (and I’m dead tired).

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@kindness from your days in the navy do you tend to wake early?

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It’s like I can’t help doing it (waking early). One time in the Navy I worked for an entire week without sleep.

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What are your interests?

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I sleep about 10- 12 hours a night. I’m alert the rest of the time.

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Rarely more then 6 hours. Lack of sleep is killing me.

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10 - 12 hours a night, if I don’t have insomnia. Go figure.

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now? nothing. I just exist…

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I understand. 1515151515

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