For those of you who sleep a lot

I generally need 10 hours sleep . The night time meds make me very sleepy . Although when I am ill I can’t sleep at all

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it varies in my case. sometimes i sleep 12-15 hours. i try to sleep less because of this. its not good to sleep too much. My dad was probably ill too and he also was sleeping a lot. It even happened to me to sleep for 24 hours if i skipped the sleep from the night before…


I sleep 8 hours at night, then for work I wake up @ 8 am take geodon at like 8:30 and around 4 hours later start getting intensely sleepy and then I sleep pretty solidly until 4 pm so that’s another 4 hours, then I’m still drowsy for another couple hours after I wake up.

So lately I’ve been sleeping around 12-13 hours a day. When I first started geodon I was sleeping 16-19 hours. I was awake for literally like 2 hours during the day and about 3 at night. It was crazy.

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