Focusing on something good rather than mental illness

so yeah, for a while i have been trying to focus on something good rather than my mental illness and i do think its making me a stronger person i mean why even think about it, something as negative as schizophrenia with all of its baggage, i try to ignore my symptoms and just focus on the good things,

i don’t like talking about myself much unless i think it will help myself or others in some way either because its is ‘not all about me’ in this life and the ‘world doesn’t revolve around me’ all the time, i think people that talk about themselves all the time are rather shallow in a way,

people like to talk about other things and have a laugh or joke about things, i like to pick up bits and pieces of random information that i think is interesting and it gives me something to share with people.

of course it wouldn’t all be possible if i wasn’t on a good med, maybe it depends on the individual and their ability to cope and recover for instance maybe things would be different if i was on a different med.


Did you recently come off meds and then go back on them? That can be rough.